
Attention all Montana chicken people:

This might seem a bit off-topic at first, but bear with me. On Friday my pet crow disappeared while we were camping at the Stony Creek Campground near Phillipsburg. He was probably scared off by gunfire (I had no idea it was hunting season, otherwise I would not have brought him with me), and is likely lost. The reason I'm posting here is that he's always loved hanging around with my chickens and might be hanging around a house with a flock.

He's tame, can say a few words, and likes landing on peoples' heads. He can't fend for himself in the wild, and I'm really hoping that someone out there is taking care of him. Is that you? Have you heard of a tame crow around your area? He might be trying to find his way back to Missoula.

I'm offering a $100 reward for his return. I miss him very much; every day he would help me out with the chicken chores, and would even pass pieces of bread through the fence to the hens. Any info would help greatly.

Thank you.
Hello Montana chicken folks! I've been an avid reader, but not a poster. Been too busy with chicks and kids and summer. Now that it's about to get cold....I have a hen set 16 babies! They are about 2 days old. Wondering what I need to do to help her out. I posted a thread in baby chicks. Wondering if I need to provide extra heat? That's a LOT of babies for one small hen--she's only 5.5 mos old herself. Right now she can keep them all under her, but that won't last long I'm sure. She's inside in a coop, but wondering if maybe I need to make a 'box' or something where she can keep them all near her rather than just on the floor of the coop in the chips. Suggestions?

I'd consider adding a heat lamp to one side of the brooder so the little ones can get under it as required. With that many, you're probably going to have a busy hen!

Congrats on the chicks! Wish you were closer.
Yep I would provide a heat lamp, that's a lot of babies lol. I have a hen that's gone total broody. Drives me nuts since i do not have a rooster, and she is blocking the others from using the one nest box they all love lol.
Well today we got the coop and pen totally winterized. Tarps over the pen, top of coop and on all sides. Left one side open for light but bought a large piece of board tptb there when it storms to block the snow. Im so not going to shovel out the coop in the winter lol. The coop is pretty insulated, were just trying to keep drafts out so there comfortable at night and during hard winter temps. We are still going to let them out during the day, the tarped pen will allow them to be out yet still safe from wind and snow. How all you Montana folk doing with winterizing your coops and pens? I have a girl who went broody some days ago, she will sit on everyones eggs but stopped laying her own. I wish I could give her some eggs to hatch, but it's winter here and no place to put the chicks or her to keep safe. My coop is not big enough for her and babies.
Hi All,
Well we are getting our first snow here this morning, temp is sitting right at 30, I really am not ready for this yet, I wanted the snow to hold off till Dec. HaHa. Hopefully this is just a preview to winter and it gets wamer again till closer to Dec, or at least till after Thanksgiving.

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