
Not much snow here, a skiff but that's about it. And it was 20 degree's this morning. Skills wife, do you have a water dish hear? I now have one of those tin can heaters, there awesome! Hoping it snows way more here, I worry about fires this summer. Stay warm everyone! Looks like an interesting weekend here on Montana.
Not much snow here, a skiff but that's about it. And it was 20 degree's this morning. Skills wife, do you have a water dish hear? I now have one of those tin can heaters, there awesome! Hoping it snows way more here, I worry about fires this summer. Stay warm everyone! Looks like an interesting weekend here on Montana.
It looks like Mother Nature is finally giving me a kick in the butt. It started snowing about 7 this morning and hasn't quit all day. Temp was about 0 all day and its down to about -10 now, but when I went out to the coop about 6 it felt ok, not warn, but not to cold either.. The forcast is snow through Fri morning with totals of about 20". I didn't even bother opening the pop door today and most likley won't tomorrow if the winds stay high. Wind chills right now are -35.
One good thing is I don't have to go to work tomorrow, but I do have to at least give it a try on Fri. I can't afford to take to much time off.
Be careful in that ! Wish it was here, crazy I know but butte seems to always be left out of the loop. Glad you are off tomorrow , maybe you can catch all them eggs before they freeze lol. I got 2 eggs today, thrilled since for the last several months I get 1 out of five birds! I'm out of eggs again, looks like I will be buying eggs again this week lol, least I can now get my fix on fresh eggs, no more ever store bought!
My EE must have heard me complaining about her not laying because she layed the past 2 days rotfl! And my duck has been getting in one of the lower nest boxes, I have no idea how she is doing it though, lol!
My girls are laying like crazy, in fact i'm selling 10 doz tomorrow. My Ameracana are laying almost daily, I have 6 Wheaton/Blue Wheaton girls and got 6 beautiful blue eggs from them yesterday, only 5 today. I have about 90 eggs going into the bators tomorrow, most will be EE's from the blue eggs, some will be pure Ameracana from the girls that are in with their own roo, (he's a splash wheaton), and some mixed eggs Am i crazy or what!! I'm hopeing I can sell some of these chicks.
Lucky you, I had a talk with my girls and told them If they did not get busy someone was heading for the pot lol, we got 2 eggs today! Silly duck, is she laying in the chickens nests?
Yep she is laying in the chicken nest box. At first I dug around in their nest box only finding 2 eggs, I was worried the 3rd was buried somewhere in the coop because they cover the eggs. Then I noticed a rather large egg in the nest box, lol. Azriel, and I thought I was nuts for hatching another dozen eggs;) I am still getting plenty of eggs, way more than I can use at this point, trying to get some sold down here, but people are cheap. They think farm eggs means next to free! And we feed good feed so its not cheap!
I wish people could understand what wonderful eggs they are getting and appreciate them, lol.
-22 yesterday. Snowed started yesterday afternoon and had a couple times when it slowed or stopped. Got about 4" on the ground.
Remember to wear your gloves if you are outside for several minutes. I got a bit of frost bite on a couple fingers last night while tying down our house insulation.
Had a nice man offer to help and he didn't have gloves on either. I hope he is alright.

Got up to zero today.

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