
I have been buying eggs about every 2 weeks from a gal and she has been awesome, we have been to her town, she comes here. I usually give the eggs to the elderly here or mom dad , and of course us. We pay 3.00 a dozen usually 8 dozen at a time. My girls will lay better as soon as it warms up... Or to the pot ! Lol. Sounds like your duck is a bit of a card lol, you sound like you have lots of little ones a coming! You need to post more pictures, you all do! I love seeing all your chickens and chicks. We need more photos more more! I will as soon as my camera gets replaced. My son broke it .ugh lol. Herfrds please be careful! Its warm here, so weird as all the snow is melting fast .
does anyone make pickled beets any more? I used to get these quart jars full of pickled beets, pay 5.00 supply the jars and new lids and be thrilled. but alas the woman got to old, and stopped canning. Then she passed away :( I miss her, and her wonderful beets! i do not can, I hardly cook that well. I do shop well that is my skill. I can take 20.00 and make it last and shop like it was 100 dollars ( no kidding) I'm frugal, make my own laundry soap, and to this day, still miss the pop of a jar of pickled beets ! of course I miss Jams, pickles sweet and dill, and the wonderful relishes she also sold. all i get now is store bought, and you know its not the same, nothing tastes as god as home made ! ( end of rant and reminiscing Lol )
I was in the Sam's Club up here a couple weeks ago. I had run out of jars for my milk and it is cheaper to buy the gallon jars of pickles and either dump them or give them away and keep the jars.
Well I told the clerk I was going to dump them and she freaked out. Told I needed the jars and hated the pickles inside. The look she gave me.
Sorry I like my own pickles.

I'll check my recipe books (all 50+ of them) and see what I can find in the way of canned beets.
We have some in our pantry:) We canned beets and pickled beets this year:) Although its really a ton of work, I preserve out of necessity not because I enjoy it rotfl!
LOL I just gave back a gallon jar , we to buy the pickles to use as milk jars. i hate store bought pickles, but alas Im stuck with them. you can this year, contact me, Im a buying LOL.
This is our kitty Thor, he was too lazy to find a better sleeping spot.

Then there is Thor and Velcro avoiding the frigid cold outside!

we have 2 cats ( mom does ) that look just like these to !! I love cats, but so alergic, . mom has 8 cats ! yeah I have to take zyrtec some days lol. these to are adorable!
Wow did you all see Oregon is flooding majorly, so sad :( hope you are all safe from this cold and snow. It's nice here, 33 this morning, talk about weird. Off to pre bowl today as we are off tomorrow to Whitehall to get eggs. I opted out of lighting in my chickens coop, let them take it easy and save up there eggs for spring. Yeah I miss having 5 a day, but I also like to buy peoples and help them out to. We now have a coop being built, did not really think it was wise, i can go nuts if possible in getting birds so i was worried if I got a new coop i would go nuts, but the coop will only hold 5/7 so im safe lol. Will also work on a new pen this year to make it easy to cover in the winters. This tar ping thing was a pain on chain link . A nice wood pen will be much easier with a top on it.

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