
We had a great weekend in my neck of the woods, rained a bit Sat morning but was 65 and sunny by the afternoon, and Sun was a pretty sunny 70. I got some of my fall chores well on the way to done. I really needed to put my coop back into some type of order, it had gotten a little out of hand when I wasn't feeling well. I do deep litter, but hadn't raked the coop or added bedding at all for about a month, so I got most of it raked out, I have a bit more to do before I add more bedding, I put the litter that came out of the coop in my garden, still have to till it in but might get that done this weekend. I still have about 20 roosters that need to go into the freezer, and hope to get that done over the next few weeks,. And I need to get more wood cut and split for the winter heating, but I shouldn't need more than another 3 or 4 pickup loads. Then let winter come.
Wow, you country folk work hard! That's a lot to do ! I just got the coop done, and the pen winterized. I have 2 chicks that are 3 weeks old, mom had them out side the third day lol. There out there cold or windy. Today I tought I had lost them both, it was so windy I ran out to put my girls away after falling asleep and forgetting them. They were out a few hours in the high wind and I could not find those chicks any where. I assumed smething took them but nope, there in the pen like smart birds lol. The rest were out side running around .even mama ! I think if they can get through these cold days running around the yard then they have got to be some hardy birds. I'm not buying all that heat lamp bull any more, these babies are never under her unless at night and they are out all day rnningn around. This batch she did not really coddle, in fact, there ets much doing there own thing. Already. I'm thrilled they are both EE 's hope they are both girls.
Snowing here.

Was talking with a lady I know tonight and we were both bemoaning the fact that we both wanted more chickens to get fresh eggs.
Not much here in the form of moisture, I'm so not ready for snow. As I get older I hate it more and more! I'm wishing I had the room for many chickens, I only have 4 laying right now, one major molting, one with chicks, one who had chicks I gave away ( now regret it) and another in molt who looks to be just starting and 2 chicks I know may be roosters, I'm going to put eggs under the first broody this spring for sure to get new breeding stock, may even just add chicks this time instead and get the ball rolling faster . My buffs are great broodys, but not good egg layers, I'm going to send one of the buffs ,an asterlorps, and an EE to the table. None laying chickens are of no use to me . if the chicks come out to be roosters they go to.
I got the pen covered now, it looks good and it's going to be nice and dry for them. Trying to get all things weatherized for the long winter. Tin can waterer goes out to the coop tomorrow, here's to a long cold dream Montana winter again ugh.
We are outside Missoula at approx. 3000 ft elevation. It started snowing in the late afternoon yesterday, slowed for a while, then dumped a bit before stopping last night. This is a pic I just took, and there is already a lot of melt-off.

We are outside Missoula at approx. 3000 ft elevation. It started snowing in the late afternoon yesterday, slowed for a while, then dumped a bit before stopping last night. This is a pic I just took, and there is already a lot of melt-off.

no snow here out side of butte, looks like your getting it good. My girls are already staying in the coop longer in the mornings, at least I'm still getting 4 eggs, crossing fingers this will continue. I was shocked to see bird food went up to 22.00 here, when I started chickens a year and a half ago it was 12.99 then 15.99 then 20.99 ugh I am going to have t get 10 bags for the winter enforce it raises again.i hate only having murdocks to get my food.
no snow here out side of butte, looks like your getting it good. My girls are already staying in the coop longer in the mornings, at least I'm still getting 4 eggs, crossing fingers this will continue. I was shocked to see bird food went up to 22.00 here, when I started chickens a year and a half ago it was 12.99 then 15.99 then 20.99 ugh I am going to have t get 10 bags for the winter enforce it raises again.i hate only having murdocks to get my food.

Yup, all the animals are a little put off by the strange white stuff. I did get two eggs today... so at least that's something. Maybe I'll have some late layers today. Yesterday I got nothing >.<

Our chicken feed prices haven't gone up terrible yet. We feed Lakeland (MT grown/milled), and we bought our annual supply last month at a good discount. Hope you're able to save on your feed somehow! And yes, Murdoch's is pretty terrible. They bought our our "Quality Supply" and killed the military discount. That reeeeeally rubbed us the wrong way. We only shop there if they're having an awesome sale.
It snowed here overnight, about 4 inches, but tonight it almost all melted. We are just starting to get pullet eggs and today we got nine ( a new record). I was afraid the snow would slow them down, but my husband got some alfalfa and that seems to be a hit. We put 11 roosters and 1 cross-beaked hen in the freezer and still need to put up 10 more roosters. That should leave us with 26 healthy hens and 1 little crippled hen who is a friend to my husband. She gets around and eats and drinks fine. We should have 3 roosters, too. I hope that is the right amount for the flock.
I sure wish we had a Lakeland feed! They bought our quality suply to. I'm hoping to get all my feed in the next month or so, I got 2 new bags to finish up then going to buy all fresh.
How many chickens do you have 9gerian ? I got 4 eggs today, we are doing good so far, and I used a dozen eggs yesterday to make quiche for dinner. As long as I get at least 2 dozen a week we are doing good! I'm going to try to get meat birds and get someone to butcher them for me so I have freezer meat next year,
It was snowing here off and on today, nothing is sticking yet. I'm praying for lots of snow this year, we need the water and moisture. I hate it but we need the snow.

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