Monthly Didn't come, blood test results in... Negitive for pregnancy.

Boy, I don't blame you for thinking twice, My best friend is pregnant with baby number two, and has had Sever Hypermesis with both. This time around the Hypermesis was worse, but didn't last as long, and what was even harder on her was the fact that now she has a toddler she is chasing around, so not being able to care for him was torture for her. Plus on top of it all, she just found out it's possible her baby may have Down Syndrome.
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Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Oh, honey... I'm sorry.
I hope you're still planning on going in for a checkup, though... those symptoms you were describing need to be checked out.
Positive thoughts...

yeppers I am hun no worries July 2nd

I'm upset, understandibly but more angry than sad
(how i deal with things lol)​
True story: when we were "trying", my dr told me to tell my mechanic hubby to "Get out from under the hood and into the bedroom!". He did. It was "doctor's orders" after all!

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