Moony's new dog 🐕 intro and name suggestions thread.

Still around and still not named. My son is still hell bent on Sheep or Sheepy Sheepy Sheepy when calling him from a distance.
That's so ridiculous.
Still can't find any issues with him and I've tried big time. When I brought him home I had really planned on keeping him until I could find him a suitable home. Of course the boy had other plans so I quickly put my foot down and said if he goes after the birds, can't get along with the other dog, chews stuff up, etc etc etc he'll have to go.
He's very well behaved in the house. Haven't seen any issues, gets along with the cats, no anxiety issues, all is well so far. Outside he doesn't bother the chickens or ducks, gets along with the little dog and she gets along with him. Quite suprised there. She hates other dogs. Walks good on lease and has a good recall with a little failure when they're both playing and running all over. Few days ago he got muddy as could be and I hosed him for 20 minutes. He just stood there and didn't even flinch.
A day or two ago the boy left his food setting and I knew that dog would of already gotten to it. Nope damn thing stayed laying 6 or 7 feet away and never touched it. His lack of bad behavior is killing me.
I feel I may be stuck with this dog. I'm gonna step up my game and try to bait him into screwing up. If he doesn't soon I guess I'll get him into the vet for an exam and shots, etc. SMH that after that he'll need a grooming.
I'm gonna have to teach him to lay down in the seat for truck rides so he doesn't embarrass me. I can't be seen around this area with such a creature.
Remember kids.... no good deed goes unpunished.

Have the groomer shave him like a lion. That way at least he'll look bad ass as he's stealing your heart
Oh, hadn't even thought of grooming options or ideas.
What are the possibilities? Never had a groomable dog before.
Mohawk? Mullet? Can I do Rally stripes? Flames down his sides?
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