More Button babies. *Updated with Pics!*


12 Years
Mar 31, 2010
I put away my incubator already, but my button Mamas had other ideas. I just had 2 of my pairs hatch out 6 babies each yesterday from setting their own eggs. Who says buttons don't go broody? I'm so happy to have little baby buttons with a Momma to raise them. I always feel bad raising them in a brooder.

I think the secret to getting your button quail to set their own eggs is leave them alone. They are very shy little creatures and it takes a lot to make them feel safe. I make sure that each pair has at least one nest box in their own enclosure, and lots of cover to hide in. I change their water & feed as infrequently as possible so as not to disturb them and I've had about 6 hatches this year from broody hens. I probably would have had more, but I remove their eggs usually.
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Congrats! You know what they say, "It's not true until we see the pictures!"

Making a natural environment for quail is really they think it's awesome.
So cute! Did you get to leave the male in too? My female went broody, and after the babies hatched I had to remove the male. First, he was abit too rough to the babies for my liking; then the female decided she had enough of him, and I had to take him out. But I would've really liked to have seen the male take care of the babies too!!

I hope you keep us updated with more pictures
I am pleased to report that, yes, I have been able to leave the male in there the whole time. He's been tending the babies right along side Mama.
They are darling! I was thinking about getting some buttons myself, but are they very messy? I kind of like a nice display as well when I have a pet, so people can look at it.....

Can you keep them in a cage like you would a canary, or do you need an aquarium type setting? And also, are they stinky?

Thanks for your help....I like to do alot of research before I buy a new pet.....


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