More Duck Questions


12 Years
Jan 3, 2008
Slidell, LA
So My Ducks are a couple of weeks now and I had some more questions.
1. I think my ducks vomit whenever I pick them up. Why and is this normal?

2. I am trying to keep their brooder dry but..............I seems like their chest is weird like maybe wet or dried not sure how to describe and so this is not a good question. But what is up with the chest?

3. When do they get their feathers?
I have 7 Pekin ducklings (3 1/2 weeks old) so my experience is limited but:

1. Mine don't vomit. They weren't handled as much as my goslings, so they are not as tame, but I'm working with them.

2. Mine 'feel funny' on their chest too. Mine play in their water (and their food at the same time it seems) so they are continually getting water/food on their bellys. After their belly dries the down feels 'rough'.

3. I think it depends on the variety of duck when they get their feathers. Mine are starting to get feathers (they are starting to grow in, but no full grown feathers yet). I think Pekins are bred for meat, so they put their energy into growing fast. Mine are the size of wild mallards already.

What kind of ducklings to you have? How many? What are you feeding them?
I got 7 hybrid layers from Mcmurry and 4 jumbo pekins. I feed the chick starter grower non medicated. The have 24/7 access to food and water. They are messy. I just want them to go outside. I think my big mistake was raising them at the same time as my first batch of meaties. I am a bit burnt out. They are three weeks old.

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