more eggs


6 Years
Apr 19, 2013
Just tried to count my eggs I think I have over a hundred, but still no hens setting probably no room for the hens HAHA
Your hens may not start setting for months. They don't do it automatically just because they are laying eggs. If you want a hatch sooner you will have to start incubating them inside and don't count on your hens. They don't go broody until they are ready, and there is no way to force them. I'd pick up the eggs and start over inside if I were you.
Your hens may not start setting for months. They don't do it automatically just because they are laying eggs. If you want a hatch sooner you will have to start incubating them inside and don't count on your hens. They don't go broody until they are ready, and there is no way to force them. I'd pick up the eggs and start over inside if I were you.
Actually it's normal/natural for Guineas Hens to go broody after laying anywhere between 20-30 eggs... or they may even go broody sooner on a big, shared nest because the size of the pile also stimulates broodiness. No forcing needed, as long as the Hen (or Hens) are comfortable with the laying spot being private enough and they are undisturbed.
Thanks for the replay, I don't have any thing to put them in inside and I am going to be gone for a while with some one else watching my birds, think it would be to much to ask to have someone else do all that for me, but next year will be more prepared. I do hope some hatch just to see the little one they are so cute. I raised mine from one day old, started with 17 and now have 14 so not to bad for my fist time,but I am sure a lot wiser thanks to all of you. They will have to satay pened up while gone so maybe my ladies will start setting while I am gone thanks again to all of you for the info peanut
Be sure to ask your bird care taker not to disturb the Hens or nest while you are gone peanut... just seeing someone they don't know may be enough to make them abandon the nest. Guinea Hens prefer private nests, and they dislike changes... and seeing a new person in their coop is a HUGE change for them.

If they do not hatch out any keets from this pile remember you won't have to wait until next year... you'll just have to wait for the next PILE this season, lol.
Thanks for the info, he has taken care of them manny times for me. with my husband new disease we have to go to KC Mo alot,so our friend does it for us when we have to be gone so kinda of know him. How long should I leave these eggs alone. not sure how long they last they are 2 weeks old. or take them out and make a new nest. Thanks for all the help
IMO, if you want them to hatch out any keets then right now it's best to leave the nest/eggs alone or the Hens will stop laying there and abandon all of the eggs/nest. If they stop laying fresh eggs there all on their own, and there are no Hens sitting on the pile and it looks like they have all lost interest in the nest, then you could throw them all away at that time. If a Guinea Hen does go broody on the pile she may eventually start rolling the bad eggs out of the nest tho.

Keep in mind that if you remove all of the eggs the Hens will more than likely not lay there in that nesting spot again. They will think a predator has cleaned out the nest and that it's no longer a safe/private place to lay. Starting a new nest for them probably will not work, since Guinea Hens are very particular about where they lay and will usually only lay where they choose to. Sometimes you can get lucky and put a few eggs in a secluded spot and the Hens will start laying there, but it doesn't always work.

If you decide you do not want them to hatch any keets, then take all of the eggs, throw them away (or boil them and feed them back to the birds or your dogs), and then let your friend collect any fresh eggs that they lay while you are gone.
Peeps thanks I wish I was as wise and informed as you are, I will leave them alone and see what happens. Wish me luck

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