More info and Updates Roxy died. Sick chick ... where to get medicine

Olivesmom, chickens do not catch colds. They develop respiratory issues that is NOT anything like a human cold. If the chick in question got chilled due your saying the heat lamp was not close enough the act of chilling causes metabolic reactions that cause the chick to have symptoms that appear to be a cold but are in fact bodily conditions that can lead to the chicks death and is in no way due to a bacterial infection.

Sundown, you have been advising people all over this forum to treat their fowl with antibiotics entirely too much. It is irresponsible to advice someone to use antibiotics when there is no diagnosis of a bacterial infection. A virus is not treated with antibiotics. Treating animals (and human) with antibiotics when not needed makes those medications less effective if an illness should arise that requires the antibiotic.
I agree, that is why I would NOT use antibiotics until you have a diagnosis. Terramycin is often not the RIGHT antibiotic even if it is a bacterial infection your dealing with, and again, the odds are way against the problem being bacterial.

Advice like yours is the reason antibiotics are getting harder to get a hold of, less effective and no new ones are being approved for general sale. Terramycin used to be broadly effective but now due to it's overuse/misuse it is effective in very few cases.
I dont have any idea what is wrong with your babies, but I am sorry you are having a hard time with them. I have read through your entire conversation and I am happy to say that I do know its hard to "wear out your welcome". I guess you can see from the information people are leaving on here for you, that mostly everyone here is very helpful and will share what they know to try and help anyone. You can ask as many questions as you need to.

Sorry that I cant be helpful and good luck.

I'm so sorry you lost your sweet little chick. I know how tough that is and I'll bet it's even harder for kids. I lost a few to that "failure to thrive" thing. You feel so helpless.

Warning: Soapbox Rant ahead

Just my 2¢ worth on the antibiotics...I agree whole-heartedly with those who are saying don't use antibiotics without the diagnosis of a bacterial infection. 1.) Antibiotics will kill any good, necessary bacteria in the chicks intestines...the ones a sick chick NEEDS to get better if they're sick. 2.) You would be medicating without knowing what you are medicating for. 3.) Giving unneeded antibiotics leads to bad super bacteria that you just can't kill.

I'm no expert on chickens, but I had horses for 30+ years. I saw so many people over-use antibiotics on their horses. It just doesn't work unless there is a bacterial infection to cure... On people, horses, dogs, or chickens!

I work with people who will take leftover antibiotics to treat a cold. A cold is viral and not bacterial. So it won't help a cold at all.

I appreciate peoples' diverse opinions on this forum, but it's a proven medical fact that antibiotics should ONLY be used when there's a bacterial infection. It's one of those things that's not open to opinion. It's a fact, plain and simple.

Antibiotics are NOT a preventative...they're a curative for bacterial infections!

If you doubt this, please at least ask a vet before you give the antibiotics!!

Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now.
Ok ... I am totally confused. I completely understand the advise to not overly use antibiotics. Really truely I do. I don't even use antibactrial soap in the house because I think we are the ones causing these super strains of infections.

With that said ... and please don't think I am an idiot ... and yes I am sure it feels like you should bang your head on the wall BUT I think where my confusion comes is that I was under the impression ... maybe ill advised that chicks can easily get a respitory infection from a draft and that the Terracycline is the correct cure ??? But it sounds like that is not the case?

All three chicks are doing very well today. Could the Terracycline have even worked that quickly.

Honestly, watching Roxy die and then seeing Olive start to do the same sleepy hard breathing made me feel like I had to do something.

Should I change the water or now that they have been on it for 12 hours am I better keeping them on it for a few days?

I don't want to sound like an idiot but I really do not want to see another one die.


Chicks get stress and chilled from drafts, they get infections from bacteria. Terramycin is not the right antibiotic for acute respiratory infections, not even when it was effective. It can be used for some chronic infections like CRD or chronic sinus infections, but a chick could not have those.

Sorry to hear you started a course of antibiotics on ill advise, however having done that keep them going for at least 5 days or any household bacteria you may have (which the chicks should have been given the opportunity to become immune to, and would have strengthened their immune system on) will be less likely to become resistant. Treat the chicks with yogurt every day and for a week afterward to build up the good bacteria again. Be sure to get them live culture type.

The improvement your seeing is most likely due to you correcting the cause by removing the draft, and natural recovery.

Here is an interesting read for anyone that thinks use of Terramycin is still a good idea. Way overused that one.

Thank you. I will keep them on it for 5 days. As for the yogurt. Plain with live cultures that I can buy at any Safeway?

Also, since you seem to be on top of things. They are pecking at the Aspen shavings they are in. From reading it seems like this is normal. They are eating little bits of it. Anything I should be doing?

I only have one child and was a mess until he was two. I am only now remembering how many nights I would just watch him to make sure he kept breathing. Now at 9 he dirt bikes, go karts, plays football, etc. but those first two years I just knew he wouldn't make it.

I am a worrier ...

Thank you,


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