More protein?

Was mucking up after some horses this afternoon, and another analogy about protein came to mind.

With soy based feeds, the protein level is a bit like a pre-fab chicken coop. It comes with all the necessary parts, but you have to unpack it, and then some assembly is required to put it together into something you can use. Except with a Soy based kit, they did not include any nails, or at least not nearly enough. Those missing nails would be like the essential amino acids you have to get from another source. You can get two kits (double your protein), but until you find some nails, you won't be any further along with putting the thing together than you were with one.

Or you can switch to a different type of kit (fish meal) that does come packed with everything you need. That might sound good and may work for you, but feed companies sell to customers that can't or won't use fish meal, and to add to that, fish meal has a short shelf life and goes bad quickly.
I dislike DE very much and feel it is harmful to the chickens respiratory system as well as my own. If it is microscopic sharp stuff meant to make tiny cuts and dehydrate bugs, what is it doing on the way through the nostrils and lungs?.... but we all have our own ways that work for us. I would think just the wood ash would be effective enough.

How big is your run? Your coop is very tight! We usually have our dirt bathing areas separate form coop space. Also, in that space do you keep their feeder and water? Are the lay boxes within that space or on the outside of it? Do you leave the door open even if YOU think the weather is bad? What breeds do you have, some are more aggressive than others? And how much roost space? Any cockerels? Have you checked for any other parasites like lice or mites which is sometimes indicated by over preening? Which could cause feather quality issues or even bald spots? (I wouldn't expect that to magically get better though since you said you have already seen improvement) I'm asking just as clues to help diagnose the situation and help... not to judge.

Awesome that you don't add heat!

Hah, I live on Burke!

ETA: Do you provide extra light as mentioned by Ridge Runner? Good question!

How is an 80 square foot coop "tight" for 11 birds? That is over 7 square feet per bid. Maybe I am missing something.....
How is an 80 square foot coop "tight" for 11 birds? That is over 7 square feet per bid. Maybe I am missing something.....

I consider space requirements only act as a rough guide. If a flock is spending considerable amounts of time in the coop (during winter, for example) then space becomes a primary concern. If one lives in a place where winters don't exist, and birds are out all day, every day, then coop space recommendations are not as important.
How is an 80 square foot coop "tight" for 11 birds? That is over 7 square feet per bid. Maybe I am missing something.....
Well, it was stated that the birds don't free range in winter, so I am guessing the weather isn't nice.... and there may be no covered run to hang out in (I did ask).... plus as stated in my post things like feeders, water, and lay boxes can suck up quite a bit of space if those are set within the inner coop dimensions. And the dust bathing place in in there to.... Sounds like cabin fever to me.

So yes, I get that 4 square feet in the coop is the "recommended" number..... but that only counts when the other factors at play add up accordingly.

For this situation, with the clues I have so far.... I still think the space is tight. And why I asked if the door is left open even during what we consider bad weather... my birds will range in the rain. And many people think they are helping keep the birds warm by keeping the door closed instead of giving the birds the option to make their own choice. Rain brings bugs to the surface.

Yep, we all must do what works for us. And that includes deciding how much space we need our birds to have. And for someone not to consider space as an issue with feather picking might not help them get to the root of the cause. So, I put it out there as a possibility.

It's true, my birds only have about 4 feet in the coop. But on the outside they have another 4 feet each of covered run (for bad weather) and an acre to free range all day everyday. My lay boxes, water, and feed are all outside my coop dimensions.

So, I would usually agree with you that 7 ft SHOULD be enough space. If you are missing anything, it would be the other factors at play... which not all questions have been confirmed yet.

Best wishes!
Little free range time but do have a covered run that is 25 by 35ft that they always have access to since I leave the pop door open all the time. Unless it's really cold really cold being below -10 so they are out of the coop for most of daylight hours

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