More Sadness

I have a friend that wants me to relocate nonvenomous snakes to her property. I have her permission so it is legal and ethical. She recently sent me a photo of a 6' rat snake she thinks is one I relocated a few years back. The only snakes I relocate are the ones I find in my chicken coop, if they stay out of the coop I want them around. To me this is a win-win for both of us.

I can't remember what your brooder looks like but pay attention to corners and joints. That was my coop weak spot. For a snake to get in, swallow a chick, and get back out that hole can't be too small. I had one get through the 1" hardware cloth into my brooder, eat a chick, and not get back out because it no longer fit. I had a couple eat a fake egg (golf ball) and could not get back out of the coop through the hole it came in, that hole in the corner.

If your pop door is open they can enter through that.

Good luck.
I am so sorry you lost your babies. :hugs I know that was disappointing.
After you look over the brooder for holes, maybe you could move it to another area so the snake would have to start over looking a way inside?

Over the years I've had chickens only one HUGE snake has been unlucky enough to get inside. He was about 6 foot long and fat as my arm. My husband drug him out and dispatched him. He was after eggs. I was glad I had no chicks at the time and all hens were outside. Black snakes are constrictors and can kill adult hens. As long as they are out in the yard we don't usually kill them but if they get inside the coop, I'm sorry he has to go. At the time their run was mostly chain link and 2x4 welded wire with 4 foot of hardware cloth from the ground up. That snake went right up it and through the 2x4 wire. Only way to stop him from coming back was to end it right there. After that we added more hardware cloth. A few years ago and so far no more snakes.

Bird netting like used on fruit trees will catch them but you usually have to kill them to get them out so some will not use. I also seen people use large fish bait/minnow traps to catch them alive baited with eggs. Then you can relocate. If you have any scrap chicken wire or hardware cloth you can probably make one. Google for samples.

I hope you find a solution and no more sadness. ā¤ļø Chicken keeping should be fun!

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