More Than 1,000 Dead Birds Plunge From Sky in Arkansas

I know, I wouldnt think fireworks would kill off fish as well. What could cause something like that? The Devine ? electromagnetic? who knows. I didnt write the story, just figured might be something we need to watch, were any poultry affected? Story didnt say.
could it be Gsss drilling activities ? no one knows at this point.
I totally agree. Those theories are a heap! I do not think the fish got frightened by the fireworks myself ->

I am concerned only because I feel they are trying to cover something up that would cause mayhem... with these retarded theories. When is the government and state agencies going to realize we are not stupid???
"When is the government and state agencies going to realize we are not stupid???"
They are working on dumbing us down through the public school system... given another few years, the population will be just about stupid enough to believe that hog wash. (end rant) sorry, off topic
Its just one of those things, and I hope that they follow through with the story, they are world famous for telling us about something like this , then they are off chasing lindsey lohan or britney spears or octo mom like tabloid news instead of keeping us informed..this happened a few years ago when there was a large kill off area in the gulf that was years befor the gulf oil spill, it was unexplained and the lakes in minnesota had melt spot in them despite minus zero weather , they kept doing stories on anna nicole smith and natoli halloway , and never got back to what happened . I dont think they really know, or media gets lost in its own circleing the drain reporting.

The lake melts in minn may have been increasing geo thermal activity (volcanic) in that area. the giant dead zones in the gulf were never explained.

An yep , I got on a rant, thinking out loud. Its pretty starteling when one day you live in a sleepy town, next day you are over-run woth outsiders, which hasnt over all been too bad, we have parties with them, fight with them, and love them like the big guy commanded , We are as polite to them as they are to us and have showed them a great hospitality and even explain we dont want the hydro fracking fluids, Ive even taken an oklahoman who had giant metal staples in his head (gas well drilling accident) and was denied medical care due to exream overload of resources to doctor to get the staples out and was he grateful.... if they use other ways (which they have) we will welcome them over the border.. but at the same time they have gotten themselves into a peck of trouble in this area. we are gas rich , I wished we wernt.. they have approached us many times on signing a lease, but to date we have decilned.. They pretty much stand at the bottom of our driveway with contracts, they other day I said to them , now lets see, you give people in colorado 20 thousand an acre, and your offering me 7 thousand an acre? hmmmm..Dont play NY people for dumb, we dont let people tell us what to think thanks we observe and think for ourserlves. We dont need piles of dead birds here ...thanks.

We learned our lesson years ago with the great lakes , they told us , industry is moving to town, were all going to make lots of money, and that happened, but the jobs moved to mexico and china and all that was left are big signs around the polaski area sayng do not eat any more than 3 ounces of fish in 1 month due to heavy metal contaminants like mucury, bisphanol ect... ect...and hundreds of fish species went extinct, they felt bad about it and brought fish species from alaska to make up for it, but the king salmon that dont really belong in these rivers look out of place next to the silver shiney atlantics.

We just dont want any more gas wells bubbling up in the river and entire houses blowing up when somone turns on a light switch in Pa( see news headlines for those stories--gases build up in homes water) It is literally bubbeling up in the river right down the road in Pa. and you can light it on fire.people are on the news every single day lighting thier tap water on fire in gas well drilling quadrents..
Could it be responsible for this incident with dead birds and fish? Im wondering if they would even tell us if it was.
Im just afraid they will go off and follow lindsey lohan around and we will never know.
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omg! i have been out of the loop and just heard about this today and NOOO i was not following the story on brittany spears im totally focusing on the golden voice guy story which according to cnn was one of the most popular stories of the day. not birds and fish die! wt.... is going on in the world. i was really kind of ticked off that the golden voice guys admits hes a drunk or whatever was the big story for the week so far... your right about them using some stupid story to distract everyone from the important stuff. what happened to those birds? sounds like their explanations so far is a bunch BOLOGNA!!! i really was distracted from this because i was busy checking out all the flooding in australia and brazil and the sad situation in Haiti. and the list goes on and onononnononn...
and i did see gaslands and that is some terrifying stuff going on over there! not to say we dont have our own share of rediculousness! we have a large military testing area here and for many years now the people have been trying to get them to test for DU - well they finally did and it made the from page of the paper only once and your gonna love the headline "Depleted Uranium found at pohakuloa likely harmless" ok ok no worries they said its likely harmless - WAIT backup - it was my understanding that DU was really bad oh but now that they found some its "likely harmless" - great so when my grandbabies 25 years from now, have one arm and an extra eyeball - well it will be likely harmless more or less. i mean just look at what is happening in the war on terror. poor innocent children and birds and fish... when will enough be enough? we wont have to worry about the salmon anymore bc they are GM now and will soon take over all the natural salmon... and we ought to just let them patent up every seed and food crop on earth... heck might as well do all the fish not just salmon and the birds too - just stay away from my chickens
Being a native Texan, and not being in any "moral majority," or whatever preconceived slot you've put us all in, I have to tell you that people from your area manage to sneer and jeer and be overall pains in the backside when you visit here. Also, I've been around oil and gas wells all my life. Mostly fishing around offshore oil platforms and hunting deer around oil and gas wells. Not to mention seeing them in pastures with cattle.

Maybe you just have decided everyone from Oklahoma and Texas are horrid but lets set the record straight. Wildlife doesn't get killed around all oil and gas wells. Something is horribly wrong with those wells if they do. In fact, my husband worked on a drilling rig for years and most were on cattle ranches. The ranchers never had a problem with their cattle around them unless the guys left a gate open and some got out. And offshore platforms are great places to fish unless some incompetent bozos manage to let it explode, which, in my 55 years, has only happened once to my knowledge in the gulf coast.

The behavior you are describing is not tolerated here. That would be very abnormal and we'd certainly set those guys straight. Now quit spewing hate and nonsense.
I'm with you! Likely harmless? Oh my. And for patents on GM plants, that needs to stop. Patenting a plant, which naturally spreads it's pollen everywhere, then suing those whose plants you have contaminated with that pollen is just crap. Evidently we just roll over and let big money and the TV news tell us what we are supposed to think.

I think their theory on the bird dieoff is garbage too. Fireworks? Really? Give us a break.

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