Moss Thatch for run floor?


9 Years
May 10, 2010
lake oswego flats
Our girls free range - since we live in the WET PNW, we have mostly moss in our "lawn". They have thatched quite professionally and was wondering if that would make good groundcover in the run? It would certainly help with the mud we are about to get. Any thoughts? I could cover most of the ground with about 6-8" of the stuff that I raked up.
Sure, leaves, moss whatever you have.
I had moss growing on the ground where I put my chicken run. It died pretty quickly. I am not sure if the girls ate it or it just died, but there was a clear line of green moss on the outside of the run and brown nothing on the inside. It was a large run, too, so they weren't crowded in there. I think that you could try it, but don't be too disappointed if it dies. It sure looks pretty, though!
This isn't the pretty green moss that gets planted. It is the moss that just grows in the lawn because we live in the wet NW. The girls thatched up the lawn pretty good - huge piles of the stuff. I piled it in the run - hopefully it will help a bit with the mud.

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