Most Beautiful Rooster Contest!!!

Here is my Mystery Man we think he is a Sumatra Cross around 2yrs old

My Mom's SL Wyandotte

More to come!
This is Turner, my 2 year old Polish. I got him on Criagslist where He was someones pet rooster. I am slowly inching him into the flock because he has never been around other chickens before. I don't think he understands that he is a chicken himself, lol. Turner comes to you when you call his name and he will hop into my wifes arms.


his name is Rocky ;not sure of the breed we addopted him about 20 months ago and he was full grown so we don't know his age

he getts better looking each day
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Love your Serama! How tall is he? and how much do they weigh?

the 3yo am game weighs approx 5-6 lbs.
the 2yo am game weighs approx 4-5 lbs
the RIR weighs approx 7 lbs
I am not sure how much the serama weighed but he was TINY.... He died not long after the pic was taken. RIP my sweet baby

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