Most Favorite Rooster!


Crossing the Road
May 17, 2020
Red Level, AL
I'd like to know which of your Roosters was your most favorite of all time.. Of course I'm still a noob at raising chickens, but by far my Cockoo Marans (almost roo) is my favorite. He's attentive to his partner.. sits in the hen house with her while she lays her eggs, then stays long after she's done to chatter up a storm. It's as though he's talking to that egg and giving it encouragement. He's docile, not flighty, though not hot on pets. He will come and get treats from my hand without rudeness, almost gently. And he's a good papa. His chicks are of good size and are well proportioned.

How about you?
We kept a flock of white rocks for years. The leader of that pack was an absolutely beautiful rooster named Whitey. He was huge, friendly towards people and viscous toward any predictors that came around. He treated his ladies very well also. We never had any bald hens and always had fertile eggs to hatch.
I've had a few that stand out to me but it is hard to narrow it down. I currently have 25 roosters.
I think personality is key for me. I currently have One Cockoo Marans, Two Black Sex Link mix, a Buff Orpington (spelling has to be correct on that!) a Bielefelder, and an EE (looks like a light brahma)... The Bielefelder is a stunner by any means, however he just doesn't crack up personality wise to the Cockoo. He is a tad flighty and still won't take any treats from my hand.
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I think personality is key for me. I currently have One Cockoo Marans, Two Black Sex Link mix, a Buff Orpington (spelling has to be correct on that!) a Bielefelder, and an EE (looks like a light brahma)... The Bielefelder is a stunner by any means, however he just doesn't crack up personality wise to the Cockoo. He is a tad flighty and still won't take any treats from my hand.
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That is true. But all of mine have been the same breed for almost 10 years. I've probably had over 20 breeds of roosters many years ago. Most of those were butchered before they had a chance to be a problem. I've only actually been attacked by two roosters and both were Plymouth rocks. One Partridge and one White.
I've probably had perhaps 300 or more roosters of my current breed and never once did any even act like they would attack. I hatch a lot and cull a lot but I usually keep about 10 primary roosters.
We had a cuckoo marans rooster and he went on to have various issues, becoming a bit mean to the hens, although I really liked him in his youth and was sorry to see him go (he was culled in the end). We have 6 homebred hens by him though and they are bulletproof! We didn’t mean to breed but the mama, a Cream Legbar, disappeared and was on eggs in the hedge (we had assumed a fox got her). The hybrid girls they produced are never ill, keep to their own, take no nonsense from anybody and are decent layers too. There were some boys in that batch too of course and they were all pretty mean!

Our current rooster is a crested cream legbar cross who arrived in August. He’s now about 10 months old and he is doing an awesome job. He is aloof but not aggressive and pleasant to the ladies. Photo attached. 95AC9B42-2D8B-479C-AE4D-FE0A8AECD8C6.jpeg
We had a cuckoo marans rooster and he went on to have various issues, becoming a bit mean to the hens, although I really liked him in his youth and was sorry to see him go (he was culled in the end). We have 6 homebred hens by him though and they are bulletproof! We didn’t mean to breed but the mama, a Cream Legbar, disappeared and was on eggs in the hedge (we had assumed a fox got her). The hybrid girls they produced are never ill, keep to their own, take no nonsense from anybody and are decent layers too. There were some boys in that batch too of course and they were all pretty mean!

Our current rooster is a crested cream legbar cross who arrived in August. He’s now about 10 months old and he is doing an awesome job. He is aloof but not aggressive and pleasant to the ladies. Photo attached. View attachment 2517196
Stunning guy! I'm hoping my one winged boy out of the Cockoo and a Black Sex link will be able to breed.. if not, he's a house pet, or... something! Can't cull one of my first hatchlings, especially after that vet bill.

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