~Most Handsome Young Man Contest~ CLOSED FOR NEW ENTRIES

Name (if applicable): Chip
Breed: Mille Fleur d'Uccle
Age: 3 mo
Why he should win: He's knows he's a handsome boy even though the Seramas that hatched with him keep pecking his feathers out. He's twice their size but he's is very careful not to hurt them.
Other (optional):

Name: Pretty Boy Newton
Breed: EE
Age: 4 mo
Why he should win: He has feathers in almost every color of the rainbow. You should see how they shine in the light!

Name: Chick Norris (HIYA!)
Breed: LF Frizzled Cochin
Age: 17 weeks
Why he should win: look at him! He's a big, beautiful ball of fluff (unfortunately the only thing he's tried to woo is my hand


Name: Kickin' Chicken
Breed: LF Frazzled Cochin
Age: 17 weeks
Why he should win: well, maybe he shouldn't. He certainly isn't all that handsome, but I love him anyway. I'll have to knit this poor guy a sweater for winter since he's already broken a bunch of feathers. I got him with Chick Norris since they were going to cull him because he was unfortunate enough to end up a frazzle. He may be ugly, but he is a complete sweetheart who loves to snuggle!

When he had all his feathers:

edited to add better pics
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not named yet
blue millie fluer
20 weeks old

he is already a daddy has 3 chicks that hatched 8/30/2011 and his hen is setting on 8 eggs
Name (if applicable): Adam ((Lambert
Breed: Brown leghorn
Age: Almost 22 weeks.
Why he should win: 'Cause this is his first contest, and just because he is adorable and handsome!

Other (optional): This is where I got his name.
When all of my Brown leghorn chicks were babys, they had this black streak starting at the outer corner of their eye and stretching out towards the side of their head. Well, Adam's streak was the boldest and largest, so it always looked like he had guy-liner on. Anyways, once I found out that he was not a she, I decided "Heck, why not name him Adam!" So I did.
H Edoesn't have the black streck near his eye anymore, but the name has just sorta stuck.



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