Most humaine way to cull?

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It was rather nonchalantly worded and, I thought, pretty offensive. Not everybody wants to think about doing it to their pets and the words used tend to give a certain....mental picture. For some (myself included) it is HORRIFYING. For others it is normal. Is it possible to either put things a bit more delicately for those of us that can't stomach it or maybe even just PM the person who asked the question? It's definitely good info for some to know, it just sounded so....careless and brutal.
She's not using the right organization. Research the methods of humanely dispatching small birds and animals and you will find that the ONLY VET RECOMMENDED method is cervical dislocation and gas euthanasia. Small birds heads pop off when you break their necks. That's fact. YOU Are the only person taking offense. The rest of the people here -- MOSt of the people here-- are quite familiar with the fact that culling is most likely going to be done in their back yard too. This is a backyard site, not a 'my pet chicken' site. That doesn't mean we don't get attached to our chickens, they don't have names or we don't love them. It means that we dont' all flip the heck out and speak for 'everyone'. This forum is HUGE, and you're relatively new. Read around. Culling threads are all over 'managing your flock' and MOSt people do not choose the vet. Where the chicken will be pierced through the chest and into the heart, which is considered INhumane but necessary because of birds' size and relatively complicated respirtory system. Unless you're lucky enough to have an avian vet, I'd go with teh pulling heads off.
Very good suggestion.

Not so good. The suffocation feeling you get when you hold your breath is from CO2 buildup, not from a decrease in oxygen. I sure would'nt want to go that way.

I'm new at chickens, but have this overall view: make it easy on the animals, not on yourselves, otherwise you're not giving them the treatment they deserve..
can we DROP this or what people?

as I said- it was just the TONE of the matter as did a few others. Its not just myself. READ all the posts. its not about the DEED- its about how we discuss it.

Cowboy graciously agreed (perhaps just for the sake of ending this) in either case lets do just that...


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Will SOMEONE just go and answer my MOOSHY egg question!!!!

we have already scared away roosterjerry!


umm..i dont think its your call to end it..sorry. I personally was just giving my advise to the OP..about the most humane way to cull....its what he/she asked..isnt it?
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Don't play dumb!

I meant all the *digs* I keep getting that have nothing to do with what I was even persuing:

YOU Are the only person taking offense. The rest of the people here -- MOSt of the people here-- are quite familiar with the fact that culling is most likely going to be done in their back yard too. This is a backyard site, not a 'my pet chicken' site. That doesn't mean we don't get attached to our chickens, they don't have names or we don't love them. It means that we dont' all flip the heck out and speak for 'everyone'. This forum is HUGE, and you're relatively new.


new? schmoo.


this is getting fustrating. I didnt want to argue with anyone here!​
I had this same issue with a very sick pullet chick.

I learned very quickly that trying to do it yourself for the first time

is rather hard on you both. What ever you do- dont try to snap its

neck! Chickens have flexible necks... and you will scare yourself

trying. I imagine that is not a memory you want either.

I asked an old farmer friend of mine for help (I have never killed

anything before and he knows I am a softie)... he said to get

a plastic bag and let the little birdy go to sleep. I would not do this

to a semi-active bird. My pullet was completely lame/limp for a

week before we made the decision. So, we used 2 ziplock bags...I

made a tiny hole for some air(optional).... but not too much....

and then in a paper bag. We put her in a cool quiet spot in the

fridge crisper drawer so we could take her little body to the state

lab for testing after she died. I never did take her to be tested

... I did that in case I decided to. She went instantly... I think the

refrigerator was soothing to her. It was the best option for her

and I. Not conventional but it was humane! I think the refrigerator

is key.
Can we stop the bickering now? The fact remains that the hardest on us is the easiest on them.. decapitation or cervical dislocation. Sounds brutal, but keeping chickens does involve things we'd rather not have to do, but it is our responsibility to do.
When you clicked on this thread, you knew it was about euthanasia. Humane or not, it's hard to kill a bird that we've grown attached to, but it's worse to allow it to suffer needlessly. So, I suggest that the squeamish folks just stay out of threads about euthanasia. Seems the best way to avoid hearing/seeing something that disturbs you.
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