Most Scenic Poultry Photo!! CONTEST CLOSED

Thank you very much, I need to get a real camera as these are with the camera on my phone. I am sorry for your loss, I can't imagine it. The chocolate dog in the photo is a chesapeake bay retriever and his name is Jack Jr. the first cheseapeake we got died in the first week of parvo, so months later we tried again and got Jack Jr, we named him after the first chesapeake Jack.
This sounds like fun. I am a new chicken owner so I looovvvveeee showing off my babies. Here are my two entries.

6 weeks old
Silver laced Bantam Cochin
Sheba rules the roost. She is the queen of the coop and she knows it. Not only is she queen bee but she is also the most friendly of the 9 chicks that I have. She is always willing to jump in my hand and go for a ride and she is also quite the little flier. My favorite is most definitely this sweet girl.

6 Week old
Porcelin D'Uccle Bantam
This is my second favorite. I had a great deal of trouble keeping this little one alive. She is super healthy now and is my bug zapper. Her hobbies include snatching worms up and running around the yard with them dangling out of her mouth while the other eager chicks chase her as you will see in the picture below. She is also sweet and has finally come around to letting me hold her without protest. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what kind of chick she was and thanks to the keen eyes of BYC members I know.

PS. The third picture is for your entertainment. The yellow chick is still looking for that worm. LOL. Can you find it?

Name: Twinkle
Age: almost 1 year
Breed: EE mix
Personality: Very nice roo, he'll come over and jump up on your lap when your sitting, and he'll just fall asleep, his deep clucking showing he is content. None of my hens are anywhere near as sweet as he is. He'll get up on your shoulder and perch there while you walk around. Even though his crowing hurts my ears, I tolerate it for his sake. But being a rooster, he can be very aggressive when he needs to be. When he crow's, it's so powerful it looks like it drains him. He's always on the look out for predators and gives warning calls at the sight of a mere pigeon! But I can't blame him, because when one of my hens was very sick, she was almost asleep out in the open. Twinkle started making frantic alarm calls, so I rushed outside and sure enough, a hawk was standing on the house about to attack my sick hen. And it was very unnoticeable, I wouldn't have seen it if it hadn't flown away in fear. That day Twinkle saved the life of one of his hens. He's dedicated to his flock as well as docile and sweet when not on the job. That is all I could ask of a rooster, if I could ask a rooster anything!

Picture Description: Twinkle is crowing atop the ladder of doom!


Entry #1
Name:Spotty and Fluffy
Age: a few days old
Breed: Leghorn Cross
Photo Desc: They are looking around outside

Entry #2
Name: Tom
Age: 10 months
Breed: Narragansett turkey
Photo Desc: This is a picture of him displaying himself!
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Rascal rooster, 3 year old Buff Orpington
He is very sweet and agreeable and is willing to pose for photos in the snow as long as he doesn't have to step in the fluffy stuff. He is only a rascal when I have to tell him to stop sparring though the wire with the hen's rooster.
Handsome rooster
. He looks amazing in the snowy background!!!!!!!
I agree awesome pic. He's one handsome dude. His color is so bright in contrast to the snowy backdrop, it almost looks like ne of those photo's where everything else is black and white.

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