Most spoiled Chicken! Ends 6/30/08

Whenever we eat out in the yard the hens jump up on us and steal our food. I for one think it's wicked cute and let them get away with it... but I still want my hot dog!
This ended 6/30/08 but who wants to stop?

My chickens use me to roost on and snuggle with:

When I am not their roost, they help themselves to the chicks food scoop:
(This is bloodhead, my disabled chicken, she almost had her head torn off when she hatched, but she's mostly "normal" now)

They dont have to walk around, they hitch a ride on Llama:
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Cluckstone Village!!!

That's hilarious. My BF needs to read that one. He thinks I'm bad because I held one of my roosters like a baby while we were eating dinner tonight and hand fed him some pork chop!
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Madison, my cross-beaked Americauna hen gets hand fed twice a day and comes to her name when called. while feeding her, she will not let any other chicken around her, if they get too close she will run to them and peck them on the head and then come back for more food! when we let the other chickens out to roam around the yard, she comes to the back door and waits for us to bring out her "green cup" which we put her food in. if we bring tea, she thinks that cup is her food and will follow you around until you let her taste it. even then she thiks its hers and will taste it as much as she wants! and if she gets tired of dogfood soaked in water (her daily diet) she wont eat unless you give her somthig yummy like the rest of the mornings cereal someone didnt want.

she is very spoiled indeed

Besides providing food, treats, clean water & good housing...I clean the coop/run everyday at least 5 times a day. AND my chickens go to the vet. Some may have read a thread of mine about Ruby. I just spent $249.00 at the vet for her. Several others have previously been to the vet as well.

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