Most spoiled Chicken! Ends 6/30/08

oh haha i didnt even notice the date
oh well.
No but I had a spoiled duck who I let in the house when ever my parents we're gone...He walked freely in the house. [SPOTSHOT WORKS GREAT ON DUCK POOP!] I took him on walks on a leash to the neighbor's pond to swim w/ their ducks and he played with our dog. He LOVED chasing people into the house which we thought was funny. Plus we gave him extra pizza crust off our pizzas.
Speaking of hens stealing food, the other morning i was outside with the chickens having coffee and a donut when my little dutch hen came running up out of nowhere and stole the whole donut. SHe took off running dragging this donut under an old truck we have parked out in the front and shared it with 12 babies
. Our chickens have a run attatched to their coop as well but they also never use it because they are too busy free ranging. The seramas are in the house in a fancy big box i built them with 2 perches and 2 nesting boxes. It has a linolium floor and part way up the walls for easy cleaning. They can jump out of the box and free range in the office at any time (floors concrete with newspaper over it) All the chickens get daily treats that consist of 12 grain bread, fresh fruit and veggies from the garden, scrambled eggs with cheese twice a week and lots of hugs and kisses from me (the neighbors call me the crazy chicken lady)
The chicken resort was wonderful! Very well written too! I loved it! Thank you!

Our chickens are currently waiting for their coop to be finished so they live in the basement and a have a full staff of one to tend them! They have their rooms cleaned everyday and get a nice treat (grass, hardboiled eggs, bread or apple) while they are having their room cleaned. They get to spend time in "The Bucket" (a big rubbermaid tote without a lid) everyday. The bucket is full of shaving and has treats hidden in it. They roll and fluff in the shavings and dig for treats. All of the hens love baby talk. I have three hens to a cage and one cage is the spoiled rotten chickie wickie tickie woo poo hens. All three are past the point of being pets and think they are feathered humans. Open the cage door and they all lunge out and sit on your lap (you have to sit down to open the cage). They sit and chuckle cluck and wait to be petted. One is super friendly and loves to fly up to my shoulder and snuggle down to watch the chickens beneath her. She is the feathered queen of mommy chicken hill. I'm the mommy chicken hill of course.
The other cages of chickies are friendly but the chickie wickie tickie woo poo cage is the most friendly. Hopefully soon the chickies will be out in their coop and be able to run outside!
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