Mother hen killed in probable fox attack, what will happen to chicks?


Oct 3, 2021
This afternoon I came home to find all but one chicken of my flock missing. I spotted the feathers of my silkie mother hen, and ended up finding two of her four chicks in shock on the ground around the backyard. So two of the total four chicks have been found. Hopefully the other two will reveal themselves tomorrow in the morning daylight.
My concern is over these two chicks who are now without their mother. They are about 4 weeks old. I’ve made sure they have plenty of food, water, and pine shavings. But is there anything else I need to do to make sure they continue developing and growing appropriately now that they are without their mother?

Update: 3 out of the 4 chicks have been found. Also, I didn’t mention this in the original post but other than the chicks, I have one other hen in the flock. I don’t think she’s the type to adopt the chicks and be unconditionally kind to them but at least they’ll have some sort of older chicken to have lead the flock.
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At 4 weeks they can fend for themselves for the most part, with maybe heat as the only extra requirement. What are you temperatures like? Was the mama and chicks kept with the flock so the chicks know where to coop up or shelter at night?
At 4 weeks they can fend for themselves for the most part, with maybe heat as the only extra requirement. What are you temperatures like? Was the mama and chicks kept with the flock so the chicks know where to coop up or shelter at night?
Where I am it is summer and in the northeast of the US, so night temps are about mid 50s which I feel like should be fine especially with pine shavings in the coop.
And yes, the chicks and their mom lived with the flock so they know where to go to sleep.
Where I am it is summer and in the northeast of the US, so night temps are about mid 50s which I feel like should be fine especially with pine shavings in the coop.
And yes, the chicks and their mom lived with the flock so they know where to go to sleep.
They should be okay then. I'm glad you kept them all with the flock so you're not stuck with trying to integrate them now without the mom.

Did the missing chicks ever turn back up? Hopefully the 4th shows back up since the 3rd survived!

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