Motherly instinct vs good setter


Fowl play will 🐝 encouraged 🐥🐔
Premium Feather Member
May 16, 2021
UP Michigan
My Coop
My Coop
Hello peeps!

I’m curious what the BYC members think is the best chicken breed for hatching eggs. I read that Silkies are great but not sure how my plus sized flock would react to a bantam. I have 1 light brahma that has never hinted at going broody. The rest of my hens are non-setters.
I want a broody that is also a protective mother and extreme cold hardy. I’d love to get started pullets in hopes of them going broody in early summer—is that realistic?
Buff Orp is popular but what have you all been successful with?
It's hit and miss with any breed, really. You've experienced that with your Brahma, a breed that often goes broody. Just goes to show that the individual characteristics of a chicken trump breed characteristics.

Brahmas, Cochins, Langshans, Sussex, Dorkings, Orpingtons, Chantecleers, Buckeyes, and any type of gamefowl are some breeds known for broodiness, but there will never be a guarantee. Birds from long time breeders are a better bet than hatchery birds, but again, it depends on the individual hen.
The best mother here is an Asil, but almost all game hens have tremendous motherly instincts. From spring to winter I have an endless wave of broody hens. One will hatch a clutch, then a new mother will sit on the unhatched eggs

My chickens are like dragons and will attack foxes, hawks and dogs to protect their young. I've literally watched an American Game hen punk a huge fox out by lunging at it's face. She survived unscathed along with all of her babies

Motherhood is the most beautiful aspect of chickens (and humans I suppose)
My best broody is a wyandotte mix (blrw x oe (cuckoo marans x crested legbar)). She snuck off to the the hillside and hatched 5 babies in July. She's still roosting with them. The babies are leaving her rather than her abandoning them.

My most persistent broody is a GW. Turned up broody in February (deep winter for us) as a pullet. Has gone broody at least twice more, hatched babies and raised to between 8 and 12 weeks old.

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