Mottled Orpingtons w/PICS

I think they actually look more cuckoo than barred. Me thinks someone jumped a fence or something, but theres no way those are mottled, or orps.
OK here are the parents


I hatched the babies myself from the eggs of these two. All were born black, these two started to look different after they feathered out. I decided to keep them cause of the coloring. I dont have any barred rock.
Well I dont let them free range, too many dangers here. The Hen is molting so she doesnt look her best. There is no way any other bird got to mine. We live out in the country, and have over 200 acres. I know all the people around me cause we are related and no one has chickens.
If Im not mistaken, the barring gene has to express itself if its there, it doesnt "hide". Im sure the experts will correct me if Im wrong.

Edited to add: in looking at your roo again, perhaps he isnt double gened barred. He's pretty dark for that. Are you sure someone didnt play a joke on you and slip some eggs in your incubator? Id bet my mortgage payment that those 2 didnt hatch from that lav. rooster, esp. if that roo came from Jody.
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I'm going to get to the bottom of this. After looking at pictures of Barred Rock, thats what mine look like. I do have a question though. Someone said that the barred gene does not hide. Does that mean that it would have presented in my hen? Would she have to show signs of "barred". They are beautiful though,
In reading back thru your posts, it seems these birds would be the result of your black orp hatch back in March that you posted about. Is it possible that you got these hens from someone else, and just started hatching eggs from them? You sounded like you were very new to chickens then.

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