Move the food and water inside but they still won't go in at night!


Seven Silly Hens
8 Years
Jul 7, 2011
It's getting colder -3 today and crawling under the coop in the run and physically putting the girls into the coop is getting old. I really thought that once it got cold that the would go in. I got a suggestion to put their food and water inside and I did that. That was yesterday morning. I got 2 eggs so I know that 2 of them were inside at some point. When I put them in that night they all acted like they hadn't had food or water all day. So after a night in the coop and most of the morning, I let them down this afternoon. I got 5 eggs today (out of 7 hens). None of them went up in the coop for the night so I had to put them all away again...again, they drank and drank water. Should I leave them "cooped up" for a longer period?
Any ideas?
It normally takes me three or four days to teach them to go up,but I have two that just will not do it and I still have to go out every night and put them in their house.
Lock them inside the coop for like 3 days, don't even let them out during the day.

After three days let them out and see if they go back in in the evening.

If they don't repeat for 4 or 5 days.

Also double check and make sure they feel secure; are there drafts? do they have comfortable roosts? etc...
I have a light in the coop and they used to go in. There have been some changes. I added a poop board which I've since removed. They have also started laying. I think with all of that and then add crazy cold weather and it's just gotten them a little off. It sure is a pain to have to put them in every night. I'm hoping they learn fast. I even thought that it was because they were growing...maybe they were getting too big to go up the ramp.(I'm grasping here) Then I saw my biggest girl hop up on top of the 4 ft fence. Nope!
Sometimes they don't like to go in if they have felt a threat in there. Could something be prowling around at night?

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