Moving a Broody


7 Years
May 22, 2012
Central Oklahoma
My Coop
My Coop
I have a bantam cochin sitting on some eggs that are due to hatch on Friday. I really want to move her to a better place for her brood. Think I can do that, or will she simply freak out?
I always move them earlier in the incubation period, but I think if you do it at night and make sure where you move her still has the right feel (private, safe) then she SHOULD be fine. I had to move my Speckled Sussex girl 3 times as I was working one Mama with chicks out of the broody house and she is still setting pretty.
From my experience it's best to wait until after the eggs hatched before you move them. She may freak out and refuse to sit and then you've lost your batch... Only 2 more days. Rather wait.
Well, she's pretty safe where she is. I can move them after I guess. I really just wanted to change the water / feed situation and it's easier in another spot.
yesss!!! wait until they all hatch to move them!! i tried moving a broody and she stopped setting and refused to hatch the chicks!!! leave her where she is and keep an eye on her progress but dont move her!!!

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