Moving a setting hen?

I really think that week separate from the flock gives them time to toughen up
If you have the space to do that, that's great. Many people don't have the space to totally separate their new chicks from the main flock, and it isn't really necessary to do so. If you can give the momma some private space with a upended laundry basket or other privacy shielding in the main flock's area, it does allow the chicks to gather their strength to run away from aggressive hens.

Personally, if I had the space I would remove the aggressive hens from the coop to alternative space and leave the momma and chicks with the main flock. I have yet to have another hen kill a chick....I once had a juvie rooster attack a chick, but it survived. (It was spring, so I locked the rooster out in the run when I wasn't home to supervise. He took the hint and left the chicks alone after about a week; two days of which it rained all day. LOL) Why would I move the aggressive hens instead of the chicks? Because it is easier to integrate full grown hens back into the flock than chicks. Not to mention some "time out" time for the hens tends to put them lower on the pecking order upon return so they lose some of their aggressive behavior.
Is the rooster a mature adult or just a randy teenager? If he is a mature adult and treats his ladies nicely then he will help protect the chicks and show them how to do things in the chicken world so there is no need to move the nest out of the cage they share with the rooster. If he is young and disrespectful it would be wise to make a space the chicks can hide from him until they get bigger and can protect themselves.

And yes, they will share the them, so to speak.

(NOTE to folks new to this forum: Notice how I hit the "quote" button in the lower right hand side of the post I was replying to. Doing so ends confusion as to who you are offering advice and answer to. )

The rooster is about 12 months old working..
Thanks for the advice
So, I had the hatch date set for Saturday and was moving stock around tonight, so I was shocked this morning to see a chick peering at me from the nest box. Two others had taken a tumble — one was in the lower nest box and one on the coop floor. One was okay, the other was not. I quickly set up the brooding box in another pen, covered the hen/nesting box with a towel, and moved Mama, chicks and eggs to the new location. I'd wanted to do this at night but was out of time.

I created a nest out of straw and moved the eggs one by one making certain to keep them with the same orientation. A couple were peeping and a few had pipped. Mama hen came over and sat on them again. 4 of 13 eggs had already hatched and I placed the chicks with her. She lifted her wings and they ran underneath. Another hatched within the hour.

So far, so good. I'm waiting on the rest.

So, I had the hatch date set for Saturday and was moving stock around tonight, so I was shocked this morning to see a chick peering at me from the nest box. Two others had taken a tumble — one was in the lower nest box and one on the coop floor. One was okay, the other was not. I quickly set up the brooding box in another pen, covered the hen/nesting box with a towel, and moved Mama, chicks and eggs to the new location. I'd wanted to do this at night but was out of time.

I created a nest out of straw and moved the eggs one by one making certain to keep them with the same orientation. A couple were peeping and a few had pipped. Mama hen came over and sat on them again. 4 of 13 eggs had already hatched and I placed the chicks with her. She lifted her wings and they ran underneath. Another hatched within the hour.

So far, so good. I'm waiting on the rest.

What a beautiful hen and cute chicks.

Your experience shows that you can move a nest/broody....but that timing is everything.

I just moved a box of co-broodies to a coop by themselves and they have not moved from their box. It is Day 20 on the clutch they are setting they aren't going to move until those chicks hatch. (Which I hope is soon. I have buyers for them and they are getting antsy to hold the little fuzzy butts)
So, I had the hatch date set for Saturday and was moving stock around tonight, so I was shocked this morning to see a chick peering at me from the nest box. Two others had taken a tumble — one was in the lower nest box and one on the coop floor. One was okay, the other was not. I quickly set up the brooding box in another pen, covered the hen/nesting box with a towel, and moved Mama, chicks and eggs to the new location. I'd wanted to do this at night but was out of time.

I created a nest out of straw and moved the eggs one by one making certain to keep them with the same orientation. A couple were peeping and a few had pipped. Mama hen came over and sat on them again. 4 of 13 eggs had already hatched and I placed the chicks with her. She lifted her wings and they ran underneath. Another hatched within the hour.

So far, so good. I'm waiting on the rest.

Thank you for posting this, such a relief to me. What a beautiful momma hen and her chicks are adorable! Tomorrow is Day 20 for my EE Zelda and she's in the upper nesting box, a wine crate no less. I have the broody area all ready on the floor but figured I should wait until at least one chick hatches to be sure she won't abandon once I move her. I hope a brand new chick can't jump out of a wine crate, the sides are pretty high all around. I can't wait, so impatient to see the first little chick.
I have eggs in the incubator due to hatch in 3 days..and one of my hens went broody last weekend. So it will be about a week of her being broody, is that too soon to try to sneak some chicks under her? Do chickens know or care that they havent been setting long enough? Thanks for any feedback!
I had this happen a few times..... your going to want to move her. Just when you put her into her new spot you picked out just do it at night not during the day there way more docile and kind of sleeping so she won't get stressed and want out. It's not full proof but it should work she wants to have babies she won't get off.
I have 3 broody hens setting on the FAVORITE nests in the coop, so all the other hens are laying some where in the woods, and I have an incubator full of polish tolbunts hatching right now, I think I am going to try to move them and put the chicks under them tomorrow night as soon as they are finished hatching, I think they will be ok, I also have 2 other hens that have already hatched chicks, I have them in a separate brooding pen and I was just wondering how old do the chicks need to be to put them in the coop? They all are free ranging during the day and all the other chickens do not bother the two hens and the chicks, the mamas have already kicked some butts for getting to close, but now everyone seems to be getting along, I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.
I have eggs in the incubator due to hatch in 3 days..and one of my hens went broody last weekend. So it will be about a week of her being broody, is that too soon to try to sneak some chicks under her? Do chickens know or care that they havent been setting long enough? Thanks for any feedback!

They cant tell time and they really dont count the days......but they can turn against new chicks even if done right. So that being said go for it. Make sure they are no more then a day old and putting them under her at night is a good idea. That way she wakes up and has peepers. If she is broody she should take to the chicks and take over for you. Just make sure that you have a brooder ready incase there is need. It doesnt hurt to be prepared to jump in and rescue them if needed. But more then likely she wont have any issues.
I have 3 broody hens setting on the FAVORITE nests in the coop, so all the other hens are laying some where in the woods, and I have an incubator full of polish tolbunts hatching right now, I think I am going to try to move them and put the chicks under them tomorrow night as soon as they are finished hatching, I think they will be ok, I also have 2 other hens that have already hatched chicks, I have them in a separate brooding pen and I was just wondering how old do the chicks need to be to put them in the coop? They all are free ranging during the day and all the other chickens do not bother the two hens and the chicks, the mamas have already kicked some butts for getting to close, but now everyone seems to be getting along, I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.

If I understand you correctly you are adding the chicks and momma from a group that has already been in the coop together, yes?? If that is the way of it then you shouldnt have any issues. Mommas will take care of their chicks and protect them from others. I would do it sooner then later. Once Momma starts to cut the apron strings the chicks will be on their own and if momma hasnt set them up in the pecking order, you have issues. Some moms will do this as soon as 3 weeks old. If moving them into the coop with others I would do it as soon after hatch as possible. You can always fence of a small area on the floor with chicken wire or babygates so that they arent out right attacked.

Good luck and let us know how it works out!!

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