Moving and need to drastically cut numbers!


11 Years
Jun 15, 2008
Sweet Home Alabama!!
We are moving soon and I need to cut my numbers from 100s down to about 25 TOTAL birds.
I am in Central ALABAMA near Tannehill state park.
Pick Up ONLY
Absolutely no shipping.
No holding.
Pairs/Trios or whole groups
No single hen sales.

Some pics available at

All Polish for sale White crested Blue/Black SPlash and LAV. 4 adult hens 3 roos and 7 chicks $2- $10ea
Silkies all ages from 3yo to day olds, Black, White, Grey, Blue and Lav, Bearded and non bearded $2 - $15ea
Cuckoo Marans sold as group only Roo and 3 hens. VERY LARGE. $55 ALL
Easter egger hens $10ea sold in trios only $30

ALSO have Bourbon Red Turkeys for $150 1yo adult pair or $15ea Poult (sold in pairs or trios only, no singles)
and Several mixed Pilgrim/Tolouse Goslings $10ea

Contact Dena Anderson 205 424 1107
I can email more recent pics if interested or you can come by and look them over.
I can take Credit Cards or Paypal!
Thanks for your interest!
I would LOVE an Easter Egger (or three) but I live in Wisconsin. I assume by the "pick up only" that you aren't willing to ship?
If you are, I would love to hear from you!! I'm looking to add about 3 chickens to my flock of four- and your chickens are GORGEOUS!!
Wish I could come pick them up myself.

(Edited for spelling error.)
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