Moving Broody Duck's nest??? (for future reference)


7 Years
Jul 26, 2016
Has anybody ever attempted this successfully? I have a Welsh Harlequin Duck, Louise, who I realized a week or two ago was disappearing all day every day and then would rejoin the rest of the flock in the coop at night to be locked in. After my 10 year old decided to stalk her one morning a week ago, he found her secret nest in a row of bushes at the front of our property. She continued to return to the nest until yesterday. Last night she decided to stay on the nest. I have no way of protecting her there. They completely free range during the days and have the protection of 3 large dogs who do a great job (I've never lost a bird while they've been on duty), but they are not LGDs and sleep inside with my kids at night. So...when she didn't return last night, I went and got her, gathered all of the eggs she has collected (there were 16) and put her in one of the nest boxes in the coop. I trapped her there for the night, hoping she would settle in, but she didn't. She cussed at me a bunch when I let them all out this morning and I released her and she seems to be broken of her broodiness and has been hanging with the other ducks now. This is fine, I just wonder how to handle this in the future...
Hello...I keep my Hens in the enclosure till eggs are laid each morning so they build nest in the pen..
Yes...I do the same, but I didn't realize this was happening. Since they don't all lay every day, I just thought one of them wasn't laying, turns out she was waiting to be let out and sneaking off to lay in her own nest. She's not in a hurry, she hangs out with the flock for a bit, goes for a dip, forages and then meanders to her nest where, until a few days ago, she would lay another egg at some point. I don't know how late in the day that's happening, though.
Yes...I do the same, but I didn't realize this was happening. Since they don't all lay every day, I just thought one of them wasn't laying, turns out she was waiting to be let out and sneaking off to lay in her own nest. She's not in a hurry, she hangs out with the flock for a bit, goes for a dip, forages and then meanders to her nest where, until a few days ago, she would lay another egg at some point. I don't know how late in the day that's happening, though.
If she is still laying eggs she isn't Broody then..Collect all eggs and destroy the nest..Lock her in longer during the morning and see if she builds another in the enclosure..
You can keep those eggs if fertile in an egg carton and give her a day or two to rebuild a nest in the Run. Then give the eggs back to her if you choose too. Keep eggs cool and tilted till you can put them under her..
From my experience, they will continue to lay until they get the number they want to sit on. Then they quit laying and start staying on the eggs.

I had one I found had built a nest in my front flower bed. Totally unprotected also. I had decided if she wanted to sit there, I would build something temporary around her. But before she started spending nights on the nest, we had another freeze, and I pulled the eggs. She started another nest, inside their run, built up 17 eggs, and started sitting. But she gave up on those after a couple of weeks. I think she had been broody too long. I finished incubating them.
Now the same duck is on yet another nest, wedged between the small pool and our fence.
I move chicken hens regularly, but never tried moving one of my ducks. But thought a temporary enclosure could be a consideration for you.

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