Moving chicks from coop to pen??


11 Years
May 7, 2008
I have 6 ten week old chicks. My husband built a great moveable pen. We placed it close to the coop to start. Had to physically move them into pen, but that is understandable. They did not want to leave pen for coop (sort of had a chute for them to move through) My question is - will they get used to the moving back and forth every day and eventually willingly move from one area to another? We want them to enjoy the outdoors and scratching, etc. The moveable pen is great as we have a large property for them to use.
Thanks for any info. I was raised around chickens, but we kept them in large houses as we sold eggs.
Thanks, Gram49
Thanks poopcoop. I was hoping that would be the case, but not sure. It was bad yesterday and pretty chilly before I came to work so they have not been out since. When I get home from work we will try again.

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