My chickens are comfy in their coop and run. We added an extended fenced off area for them to have some free-range time. They were running around our backyard but we grew concerned about feces being tracked other places. We have backyard shoes only, but with 3 children I just can't keep an eye on them all the time.
So my question is, is there a way to clean up the poop that it is in their gated area? Is it advisable to move them around the yard so they have fresh grass to nibble? If they pick their area clean do they need to have grass? Should I move them and reseed it? I just want them to be happy good layers and I want my family safe from any chicken poop contamination!
So my question is, is there a way to clean up the poop that it is in their gated area? Is it advisable to move them around the yard so they have fresh grass to nibble? If they pick their area clean do they need to have grass? Should I move them and reseed it? I just want them to be happy good layers and I want my family safe from any chicken poop contamination!