moving hen and eggs?

Well I have read on here of hens just hearing other chicks and wanting to mother them and taking them right away. So I don't know about your hen. But it might be worth a try just to let her hear them and see what happens. She might go crazy trying to get them thinking they are hers and she lost them. I don't think it matters if you try this or not. I would hope the putting them under her at night would work. Either way I Hope it works for you. It is so much easier letting momma take care of them. I love watching her teach them to scratch ect. When are your new babies gonna arrive? It is pouring rain here and cant even let my girls out yet. I bet they are down there waiting on me.

Later Cindy
I get the new chicks tomarrow! I am sooo excited! I love having a Mama hen too, I love watching her teach them. She does all the work! I could sit all day and watch! I think she will take the new ones too. She is very friendly with me but doesn't like when my kids go see her. They are not to open nursery gate or get in trouble!
Well the feed store just called and told me she found a home for 5 BO's if I didn't want them. Well ofcourse I WANT them but I don't NEED them now that my eggs hatched. So a man has a Broody hen setting on unfirtle eggs and needs the chicks. So I am giving them up to spred the LOVE of chickens! I will be happy with what I got! Besides Feed is getting high priced around here. My cute hobbie is costing more these days.
Well problem solved and everybody gets new chicks. Your babies are so cute. What kind are they? Sounds like you have a good momma. I only have 3 red sex-links now and am sure none of them will go broody. This fall I am getting a few more babies. Will be my first time raising them myself with out a broody. Should be fun tho. I am thinking about BR's as I have always loved them and did have some of them go broody before. Something got my Roo, I must say he was getting to be awful hateful. Do you like the BO's. I have never had any of them. And have been wondering what I want to order.
The Mama is a Black australorp, 2 possible Father's, one a brown leghorn, the other is a mixed EE. They look like her to me. I usually get 2 day olds, only had broody hens twice now. the first one was a white leghorn, that was a few years ago.
So raising them yourself is fun and more hands on. They seem to be not as scared as they grow. I just couldn't afford running a light this year, but wanted babies SO bad! Glad she went broody. Good luck with yours.

As far as me giving up new chicks, oh I will be popping into the feed store in the morning just to check them out and say hi.
I do like BO's they slower moving, don't fly much, lets me close to her. I also like my Turken girls, the stick close to the coop, but look so funny with naked neck. I got them because Turken rymes with my last name. lol My RIR is good too, white leghorns are fast, hard to catch if you need too. a few EE hens, a feather footed, she stays close to coop too. I have a BR but she doesn't let me get to close. The one that stocks me is my girl turkey Ginny. She lays down and wants me to pet her like a dog!! LOL! I do have 7 roosters too, But will give up 4 soon.
I could talk about my chickens all day, Have a nice day

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