
12 Years
Mar 9, 2008
Bloomsburg, PA
Hi all, I will be moving my birds, RIR's (that were born on Easter) to the barn in a couple of weeks. Or as soon as it gets warm. My question is: it is a dirt floor, is there something I should do to get it ready. I don't think it has been used in a long time. Can I put lime down or something else? I will be putting shaving down. I guess I'm saying to get the critters out. Thanks for your help
Hi and congratulations on bringing the brood along. I was wondering if you have prepared the floor against predator invasion. Do you have a plan for excluding digging rodents like rats, or clever invadors like weasels?

We've been lucky in having a concrete floor with rodent-proof drain covers, and we covered that with planks to which we'll add DE, Stable Boy and bedding. If you haven't seen it yet, this site has an excellent section on predators and pests. You have time...maybe underlayment with 1/2" mason wire or something equally clever!

the dirt floor is fine in your henhouse.just make sure theres no way a vermitt can get in your henhouse.
I guess I should have worded my question better (sorry). Can predators dig in to kill your chicks in the space you have planned? If you have any doubts about this, take precautions. There was a post recently about a member who lost her flock that way. Check the Predators and Pests section- it's filled with great information.
I think I will keep my chicks in the house.
Never to go out side. I saw the post about the member loosing her flock that way. I will need to get help because I went out to look at the barn today and it needs some fixing. Theres a piece of wood off the door and a large place where the groundhog comes in. He will have to go, one way or another.
As soon as I see him again. HE WILL BE GONE.
he he he he he. I'm going to see if I can find something to put in the ground. The barn is about 75 feet long but I will be blocking off a part for the chickens. I would hate to see my first hatch be taken away from me.
Hi again Ginger- now you're thinking like a chicken owner! Would the space you're using permit the laying of a wire mesh floor that could be secured around the edges and buried, or covered with planks? Then check every other possible place for openings. I bet you'll find a way to secure your hens!

I went back in the barn and looked again. All the walls have concrete around them. I only need to worry about one side and yes I think I can bury some wire mesh on the one side. The other sides should be good they are about 12" high. My DH said he wants to put them in the shed but there are no windows in it. AND its only about 5' by 10'. Is that enough room for 9 chickens and 40 more on the way, I don't think so. I should say I have 40 eggs in the bator. I know they will be going out side to a run but I don't know if I would like that, it may be to small for them. I think I will win on this one. To the barn they will go.
Well I may not have any eggs in the bator. I just checked and the temp was 110. don't know for how long. I bet I lost them all.
It's not going to be a good day for me today.
Sorry about the incubator, Ginger, I hope you caught it in time. Sounds like better news in the barn. Another possibility would be to built a temporary chicken tractor in the barn for when they are old enough, to give you time to improve the barn. I'm not sure what your schedule or weather is like- we're having a nard time getting our run finished...

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