moving the hen


Mar 25, 2018
I have a hen that is setting, the eggs should be hatching this week but she is in the pin with all the other chickens. The last time I moved her she abandoned her eggs so I'm scared to move her but this time she's in a feed tub if I move the whole thing maybe she won't abandon them?
I'm not sure I'd move her at this point. Can you put up some chicken wire as a barrier (with food and water and enough room to move around)? Can you post some pictures so we can see your setup?

Last year I had a hen hatch out within the flock. She was very protective of her chicks and none of the other hens went near them. When I have a choice, I'd prefer to wait a week or so until the chicks are a little stronger and faster, but the hen last year had her babies out of the coop, mingling with the flock within 24 hours. Twice.
Well I waited for a day and then moved the tub I'm glad to say she remained on the eggs and we now have 11 new additions.
I had a really bad experience the last time babies hatched with my other chickens because they ate the babies when they hatched and I'm sure it's probably one chicken but I'm not sure who's the culpret
Well I waited for a day and then moved the tub I'm glad to say she remained on the eggs and we now have 11 new additions.
I had a really bad experience the last time babies hatched with my other chickens because they ate the babies when they hatched and I'm sure it's probably one chicken but I'm not sure who's the culpret
:eek: Glad you got her moved successfully then!
I'm not sure I'd move her at this point. Can you put up some chicken wire as a barrier (with food and water and enough room to move around)? Can you post some pictures so we can see your setup?

Last year I had a hen hatch out within the flock. She was very protective of her chicks and none of the other hens went near them. When I have a choice, I'd prefer to wait a week or so until the chicks are a little stronger and faster, but the hen last year had her babies out of the coop, mingling with the flock within 24 hours. Twice.
I think moving her bucket and all together she wasn't stressed and after all the eggs hatched I removed them from the bucket in a small pen they are doing great

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