Moving to a New Coop


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2015
I've heard of chickens stressing out and having a heart attack when you move them to a new coop! Is this true? I am building a new coop. I always assumed they would be thrilled with a bigger coop. What is the best way to move them without stress?
Any advice on how long I should keep them in before I let them free range? So that they know to go home at night.
How old are the chicks? ( or chickens?). And no, they do NOT have heart attacks. Just let them check out the coop for a few days, let them get a good look at it. when they feel comfortable being around it and in it, put them in and they should be fine. they might make scared sounds, but they'll be fine.
Right now they are separated. The babies are 6 weeks old (they will go in first) and my other hen is 3yrs. I was planning on leaving her in the old coop until the babies were 3-4 months.

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