Moving to Ohio for love and chickens


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 4, 2015
Heath, Ohio
Hey everybody! I am in the car right now moving from California to Ohio for love and chickens! After 10 years in New York and five years in Los Angeles I'm ready to get out of the city! And I'm addicted to eggs, so get ready to watch me weep when I eat my first egg from my very first chicken!!!!! Now to decide what chickens to get!
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you.

To decide on which breeds, I suggest looking at the Breeds section: Chicken Breeds

My favorite breed, which should do well in the Ohio climate, is the Wyandotte. Mine are cold hardy and do fine in heat. They are very good layers and the most personable and inquisitive of all my birds. They come in many beautiful colors, so you can have a lovely varied flock. Two Crows has provided you with a list of other good breeds.
Have you checked for zoning restrictions(on chickens) in the area you plan to move? That's a surprise you don't want to discover after you get your coop and flock.

Welcome to BYC!!! There are loads of members on here…so if you have ANY questions…just ASK!!!

Hope you have loads of fun and all your answers answered here on BYC the BEST CHICKEN KEEPING FORUM on EARTH!!

Welcome!! Our farm is located in beautiful Kirtland Hills, Ohio. Not California but lots of great chicken people! Although it can be a bit tough raising chickens in the winter, there isn't a doubt that it is well worth any effort. Get some cold hardy breeds; Orpington, Ameraucana and Marans do well in our climate.
Hello and welcome to the forum. I asked a similar question about egg flavor and the responses I received indicate that fresh greens will give the best flavor. Your home raised or farm raised chickens will give you better eggs than the ones from the store because they are fresher, healthier, and more nutritious. The color of the shells can range from white (Legbars) to a dark chocolate brown. (Cuckoo Marans) Easter Eggers are known to lay any color eggs from green, to pink, to light blue. Some brown egg layers have a nice tan colored shell and some have a medium brown color.
A mixed flock will give you a variety of colors that can be very pleasing. Have fun and good luck with your new obsession.

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