MPC Order Just Arrived **Updated Pics Page 4***


10 Years
Apr 1, 2009
Colbert, GA
I ordered 25 rainbow pullet special. I just wondered if ya'll had any guesses?





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I was hoping for at least 1 EE or Americana (sp?). Oh well, I looked quickly because I had to get to work, but alas I saw no muffs. I like leghorns, but it looks like I will have all white eggs. What was the purpose of ordering the "rainbow pullet special" if all I get is white eggs? Also 2 of the yellow chicks have white wing tips, so either White leghorn or White Rock. One yellow does not but a lot of chicks start out yellow. There are two yellow with silver/gray stripes. Any guesses on those? I do have one reddish chick which is probably a RIR. Could some be Welsummers, I know they are hatchery stock but at least the eggs would be different colors with speckles.
Okay, I just looked at a bunch of pictures on Feathersite. The brown leghorn, welsummer, and sussex chicks look a lot alike. So I guess I have to have more patience now. It's so hard, I feel like a kid with a new toy and have to figure out how to play with it. I just love chickies, they are to darn cute. I was going to give some to a friend of mine because my husband said I can only keep 15, but gosh I just got them and they are all so cute. I think I need chicken rehab. I'm an addict.
Really cute fuzzies you got there. I see BR's, those chipmonk ones do look like my brown leghorn looked. Maybe one of the yellow ones is your EE. Read someones post where they got white EE from MPC and it took them forever to figure it out.

They are not nessisarily Brown Leghorn I am sure there are others that look the simalar.
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My chicks arrived today from MPC (5 total) and we got one EE and one Brown leghorn, and they look a lot alike. Could be some of those that look like Brown Leghorns are actually EE's? The baby chick photos on the MPC site show them looking a lot alike, too. I'm not sure how to tell which is which yet, but I'm pretty new at this!
I got 4 EE's from MPC last week. One is chipmonk colored, the other three are yellow/gold. I do see that one of the chipmonks looks like it has puffy cheeks.
One of the black ones looks like my Wyandotte. Does it have orange legs? The one with the white spot on the back of its neck is a barred rock. The third pic, the one on the right is eather a EE or a spangled hamburg.. I'd guess EE. Look at the color of the legs.
On my chicks you can also see differences in their little combs.. that might give you a hint as to what they are too.
When are you supposed to split the order? Within a week they will start to get their feathers in, and it might be easier to guess what they are.

They are all very cute.
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Oh well my husband said I had to split the order. I told him after they feathered out and was off the light as the other person did not have any brooder for them. So I'll get first pick. I'm just being antsy and excited about new babies and guessing what they are. I'm glad to hear that you got some EE's from MPC and you had different colors. When I get off work I will go inspect more closely. I did not even look at their legs which should have been my first place to look. I'll report back tomorrow with more pictures and we can all guess again. I just love a good mystery! I have one chick that is definitely BR or Dominique and one I though was a BSL. Which one looks like your Wynnedotte? I check her out when I get home. I'll be ecstatic if I have a Wynnedotte too!!!! I wanted a good assortment.

Edit: I see now the one you are thinking is a Wynnedotte. No it does not have orange legs. It's black splashed pinky colored like the BR. So it may be BR or BSL.
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