~*Mr. Chicken 2010 Contest!*~ The Winners Are Anoinced!!!

I already did.
WOW, there are some beautiful roosters on here!!! Let me introduce myself, My name is Charlie, and I'm a hen-a-holic, 2yrs. old & I know my dad is a Buff Orp & I think my mom is a Cochin mix but I'm not for sure. See, I had a feller put me in a warm, damp square thing that stayed kinda windy with my step brothers & sisters cause my Mom flew the coop so that is how I was borned but I was raised by my Dad. Other chickens say I don't look a thing like him but I sure act like him so I know he has to be my Dad. Anyway, I'm sure not the Cock of the Walk but let me tell ya, I can hold my own with the ladies, heck, I've got about 15 lady friends that I see everyday. That alone art to tell you something, I would think, but I'm gonna let ya'll be the judge of that. Here's a few pictures of me so you can see for yourself & no, I don't need no more lady friends. The one's I got now are bout to kill me, lol.

Just look at all these pretty thangs I got around me.

Told ya, they're everywhere!

Now this one's kinda not good but I was in a hurry, sorry.

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