~*Mr. Chicken 2010 Contest!*~ The Winners Are Anoinced!!!

Good choice
This is Rocky, light Brahma, almost 3 years old.

He is the first egg I ever hatched in my incubator. When he was young, he had a mystery illness that I now think was botulism. I kept him in the living room and force-fed him for four days. This was before I found all you BYCers, and I didn't have much experience with chickens. Anyway, he earned his name Rocky because he fought to live that week, but he pulled through and is now the main man of my flock of 50-ish. He is very protective of his ladies and always gives them the best treats, even when I save some back for him. We now have eight roos, but Rocky will always be the top man around here!


Rocky as a teenager

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