~*Mr. Chicken 2010 Contest!*~ The Winners Are Anoinced!!!



and with his darling chicken wife...


Rooster's name = The White Cochin Roo...sorry, I'm not very creative!
Roosters breed = White Bantam Cochin
Rooster's age = 8 months

He could be Mr. Chicken 2010 for a number of reasons...but he's my daughters Mr. Chicken regardless...lol Gentle as can be, don't even mind having his beak filed or nails cliped. Very protective of momma bird from the Serama roo...such chilvary...
"Max 2"
Splash Cochin Bantam
7 months old




He should be "Mr. Chicken" because he is quite the Stud Muffin. Handsome to boot, loves to pose for pictures, sweet to his girls, people friendly, good with other animals, and it takes a lot to ruffle his feathers. He's the Man!
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Easter Egger
2 years old, turns 3 March 17, 2011
He should be Mr.Chicken 2010 because he is a beautiful (I mean handsome
) boy, who doesn't attack humans, loves and cares for his girls, and produces pretty babies that lay blue or green eggs. Oh and he also puts up with me as the last pictures show.


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Rooster's name: THEODORE
Roosters breed: Barred Rock
Rooster's age: approx 8 months
I think Theo should be Mr. Chicken 2010 because for years, I hated roosters and their incessant crowing. I was upset when I got both Thelma & Louise, only to find that they were BOTH roosters (the other roo was traded out for a definite pullet). I vowed to send Theo to freezer camp whenever he voacalized his first crow. As time went on, I was beginning to think I had the worlds only non-crowing rooster; how cool was that?!
Needless to say, the older he got, the more attached I got to him, especially since he STILL wasn't crowing! Then came the fateful morning that I came home from work & heard something coming from the chicken coop...I cocked my ear, to hear better and lo and behold, the little rascal let out a whopper of a crow...much to my dismay.
So then I conceded that "As long as he doesn't crow very often, he can stay..."
When he started crowing all the time, I thought, "Ok, as long as I'm in the house and I can't hear it, he can stay."
Then it was, "As long as he doesn't do it a lot when I'm outside with them, he can stay."
Now it's "I wonder what makes him crow a lot sometimes and then other times he doesn't crow at all?" and "I think I can live with the crowing; I'd miss him if he were gone...he can stay."
I love Theodore more than I ever (obviously) thought I could love a rooster. I have grown very fond of watching him strut around the yard when he & the girls are free-ranging. I even like to hear him crow; who knew? I got a big kick out of watching him on top of the coop, crowing his silly head off this afternoon!
I am the alpha female on this farm, though, and Theo knows it. We got that straightened out early on in our relationship.
The biggest reason Theodore should be "Mr. Chicken 2010" is because he made me love him...a rooster!

Theo at about 6 months (pre-crow):

Theo, today, approx 8 months:

Theo, also today, caught between crows:

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Hi from North Carolina,

This year's "Mr. Chicken" is my strutting Rhode Island Red, "Big Red." He is an awesome Roo, gentle and beautiful. We have two Roos, (and 7 hens), and they have crowing contests daily. Red has gorgeous, shiny irridescent feathers. Big Red is now 8 months old; we got into Backyard Chicken farming last April when chicks were available at the feed store where we went to get our dog and deer food! It was the beginning of a great thing......! Check Big Red out!



This is MattiRoo. There is an ongoing joke at work, thus, a fellow employee had a roo named after him.

MattiRoo's dad is an EE, his mom is a Buff Orpington/White leghorn cross.

Last summer I had 3 hens go broody at the same time, thus 3 clutches. MattiRoo was in the first to hatch group. I took a 3 day summer vacation and on day 3 the first chick was born a black and white, by the time we got home a second baby had hatched, this being MattiRoo (didn't know he was a roo at the time though)
I also found a dead baby, still wet from the egg. On the second day home, I found a second baby dead, still wet from the egg. Upon cleaning/feeding etc, I noticed the mama hen was not liking the buff chick so much (MattiRoo) he was not allowed near her and when he did, she pecked the tar out of him. I watched for a bit, to see how relentless she was going to be, she was very much hating him. SO, she was removed and the two chicks taken and put under a very quickly put together heat lamp and brooder box. Left also with more then 10 eggs, I successfully hatched 5 more, on my lap, on my daughters lap and under the heat lamp. MattiRoo was the biggest chick, and quite fiesty. I watched him grow rapidly, as they lived in my garage for several weeks.
I parted with all the roos except him. I kept him for his mix, as my buff orp hens are amazing egg producers. and wanted the size as well.
He went through a super ugly gangly stage, but , is now turning into a fine young fella. He still sounds like Thomas the Train when he crows, but, he's trying.

Here is now, at just over 4 months old.



when you say one entry per person is that one post per person or one bird per person? like can it be the same post but 3 different pictures of a different roo's?
when you say one entry per person is that one post per person or one bird per person? like can it be the same post but 3 different pictures of a different roo's?

One entry per person means that one person can only enter ONE of their roosters in this contest, and only post up to three pictures of him. We don't want an overload

Beautiful roosters! They are all gorgeous!

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