~*Mr. Chicken 2010 Contest!*~ The Winners Are Anoinced!!!

A beautiful picture of the rooster (1-3 pictures)
Rooster's name
Roosters breed
Rooster's age
And why you think he sould be Mr. Chicken 2010!

Meet Rudy the Rhode Island Red!

He is 9 months old, will be 1 year in March.

He should be Mr. Chicken 2010 because, as you can see, he looks after his girls very well...even when they are laying. He stops any tussle that may, although very rare, occur. He also keeps a close eye on anything and everything out of the ordinary, even when I'm around the yard with them. And when it comes time to do the business...lets just say he's good at what he does and does it leaving the hens happy, and not beat up and featherless.
His name is Squeak Toy

He is a serama

Under 1 yr. of age.. Not sure of exact age since he was given to me.

He should be Mr. Chicken 2010 because he proves that great things do come in small packages..

Last weigh in he was 6.2 oz. but he has been snacking heavy so probably closer to 7 oz. by now.....

When interviewed for the grand position of Mr. Chicken 2010 he was sure that he would "grow" into the position...


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Okay girls if you don't just like another pretty face... a real workhorse... He is hunky... He is kind and he swoons... He delivers the goods... lots of moonlight walk...Lots of flowers and candy. He is not just your average joe... He is a real eye catching piece of Rooster meat here... A real ladies man without the player attitude... He is polite and comes to the door and knock (not just honking the horn) He doesn't keep the ladies out late and most of all he doesn't make unwanted advances....A true blue gentleman...and did I mention....He is FRENCH!!!!


See him giving you the "sexy eye"???

Meet Sir Charles... Charlie to his friends.

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