~*Mr. Chicken 2010 Contest!*~ The Winners Are Anoinced!!!

Rooster's name-"Henry" aka "Hankie Pankie"
Roosters breed-1/2 Marans, 1/2 Ameraucana
Rooster's age-approx. 9 mos.
Should be Mr. Chicken 2010 'cause he's a nice guy. Handsome, but not so good looking that he's unapproachable. Has some of the dark exotic breed in him to make him interesting. Looks at those beautiful eyes!! Gentle with the ladies too.

This is "Mister Mister" Yes that is his name. He is a brown red modern game bantam. He is 11 months old.


I believe Mister (for short), should be rooster of 2010 because he has so much heart and personality for such a little rooster. And also he gets along with all the other roosters no matter how big they are so he is allowed free range in my huge yard in the summer. When I come out of my house, Mister will come running from under the pine tree where they all like to lay, and he will come within 5 feet and stop and then crow at me. Then I say well "MISTER, Mister How ya doin?" Then he will follow me around the place as I do my chores..

When people come to visit, he is always very curiouse. He likes to jump up on top of the highest thing around, such as a fence post or wood pile, and crow as loud as he can. My friends always make comments like "Is that little rooster over there making all that noise?"

One time I was talking to a couple of people over close to my coop and we were in a deep discussion. Mister jumped on a wood pile close by and started crowing. I was kind of blocking it out, but my friend said that he seemed to be shouting. We all stopped talking to look at him, and sure enough, everytime he crowed he seemed to be sucking a bit more air in from the time before and belting out a louder crow. It was so funny. I had to say " Well HI MISTER, Mister!" and then he was satisfied, and quit crowing and just stood there to listen to us talk.


Mister and Miss Mom decorating the Christmas tree.

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Wow, they are both beautiful!

Hey guys, you have helped me and others so much just by sharing these photos! Some of you know, and some don't, but just reminding you all that we will be judging soon! The judging will take place Dec. 23-25!
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Another thread for my gentleman.

Roosters name:He is called the cockerel because the name chicky that i gave him when i bought him 1 month old, does not suits him anymore.

Age:He is about 7 months old, and huuuuuuge

Breed: Columbian leghorn

He should win because he is gentleman, guides the flock, feeds them and protects them from cats, dogs and other birds that try to steal their food. Even if he does not win, he still is the rooster of 2010, or the rooster of all times, because i love him
When i say "inside" he gathers all the hens in the coop, anytime of the day.


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