Mr. Mom?

You can provide a natural looking setting (lots of hay, nesting material, hiding places) but the broodiness is up the the hen. You can't control her

I pulled up a bunch of foot tall grass, tied it in bundles and stuck the bundles in the sand in my cage. They really seem to like being able to navigate the cage always close to cover (that and trying to tear the grass to pieces
Now my buttons have a new nest and new enthusiasm. The female spends most of her time on the nest (though she will get up, eat and wander around occasionally). The male (dear Pappus) was upset at first when she started sitting and stopped being interested in meal worms and cuddling with him- when he visited the nest she seemed upset with him for stepping on the eggs. Now the two are spending most of their time sleeping on the nest together side by side. Yikes- I kind of hope that they aren't successful this time because I am not sure I want more buttons (just don't have the heart to steal their eggs and am counting on the low liklihood of their producing a successful hatch. The still leave the nest for extended periods of time - How dilegent do they have to be to actually produce chicks? Should I be worried? If the eggs do hatch what do I need to do for the wee ones warmth wise? Will the parents know what to do?
Exactly what I am wondering. I am either hoping they arn't good enough to hatch their own- or that if they do that they are excellent at rearing them
I got a call from the Butterfly Estates where I have donated a few quail. Their pair managed to hatch out an offspring, whom is 6 weeks old today and a little boy. With little ponds around the facility, the parents sure managed to take good care of their son. Today they shooed him off so he is looking for hen , which I am supplying. Time flies for these birds, they grow up too fast! sniff sniff!
Perfect- I could handle one. More concerned that my dear Fawkes might pull off the 10+ that she currently has stacked under her. What a cute story!!! It is good that the parents decided against swimming lessons. I am loving watching my little (still bald) male sit on the nest with his gal preening her endlessly.

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