Ms Silkies first hatch!


Dec 13, 2021
I went to do the daily chores and found a half-egg sitting in front of Ms Silkie this morning. In my process of setting up the coop to be chick-safe, I saw a little yellow puffball briefly standing next to her before darting away from me and back to the safety of momma.

So, we have one confirmed success. 4 more eggs to go! We are currently right at 21 days, so still hopeful on getting a couple more to hatch out.

Eggs under her (all are fathered by an Australorp)
2x Rhode Island Red
1x Easter Egger that looks like a hawk
1x Easter Egger that is between bantam and full sized, yellow* - I think this is the hatched egg
1x Easter Egger that is full sized, yellow

*I swear these eggs had more color before, they've just been trending toward white

Didn't get a picture of the new little one, but here's Ms Silkie with the discarded eggshell.
Update, it looks like 4 of the 5 eggs have hatched. I have not seen more than 2 chicks at any given time, but I've taken pieces of 4 different shells that were properly zipped.

It is quite comical to see little heads popping out of random places. I had no idea the number of hiding places on this little 2-3 pound bird.

My current plan is to give them a couple more days where I peak in but try to not disturb them too much. On Wednesday, it might be worth it to do some cleanup - there are currently 2 half-eggs and 1 full egg unaccounted for.

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