Mt. Healthy -- my experience


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 2, 2008
NW Alabama
I just got a box of chicks and thought I'd share.

I ordered a pullet-only box of assorted chickens. They were shipped yesterday and came in this morning about 7 am.

I got Black Australorps, Silver Laced Wyandottes and White Rocks. The chicks are in great shape, eating and chirping. Actually, I think they are only pecking at food, but they are drinking well.

I appreciated that MH labelled the boxes as to contents. I don't know if all other hatcheries do that or not, but I did think it was great that they labelled the chicks.

Now, if only I have at least a rooster among the SLW !!

BTW, I did get three extra chicks with my order. One SLW and two White rocks.

Bottom line: I am a happy customer. I think they have nice chicks and I know they have awesome customer service.

Just thought you might like to know for future reference!
Glad you are enjoying your chicks!

Our feedstore has been ordering from several different hatcheries this year. She said she was very happy with the shipment from Mt. Healthy. She said they took some extra precautions in shipping to make sure that the chicks stayed warm. The way she described it, it sounded like the sides of the shipping carton were insulated better than just the usual cardboard with holes.
That is nice to hear they have nice healthy chicks. Our TSC is getting 1500 chicks in on April 13th from Mt. Healthy! The clerk wasn't sure what breeds they were getting other than some RIR and they have listed "assorted pullets" and "assorted straight run"
Mine came in regular boxes, but they taped the inside and outside of the majority of the air holes. I can't remember off the top of my head, but I'm thinking they only left the top row of holes open. I thought it was a neat idea to tape the holes on both sides of the box. No fuzzy chicks stuck to tape on the inside and no "who knows what" stuck on the outside.

I'm happy with MH. The chicks are really cute and sweet already. Except one -- it came running to peck at me. I'm thinking they miscalculated on sex with that one!

Happy hatching, all!
Our chicks came from Mt. Healthy and I haven't had any problems with them They are all growing so fast.
I am real pleased with them I wish Mt Healthy sold silkie chicks I'd be ordering them too
Now, if only I have at least a rooster among the SLW !!

A friend of mine ordered pullets from them and ended up with a ton of roosters. I don't think you'll have any problems with that request. I hope you have better luck than he did with their sexing. It is great to hear they all arrived safe and healthy.


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