Mulberries OK?????

When they are ripe, use and old sheet (or even tarp) and spread under the tree. If you're able to shake some branches do so. Otherwise you could just leave the sheet/tarp there for a day or so and harvest what is there.

I have a row of mulberries and EVERY year we swear we're going to harvest them to make jelly/jam. And EVERY year we let it slip by. But at least my kids have fun climbing the trees and eating the berries when they are playing outside.

Glad to hear that ducks like them. We'll be getting a couple ducks and geese that will be housed near those trees.

Lucky for us, our trees are not near our house or our driveway. No stains!

Do you have any good recipes for this?

Thanks for the link!!

Something I have found interesting with our trees is that some trees are producing tastier berries than others. We also have a "white" mulberry tree. (berries are turn white/cream)
You are welcome Epona4. I love that site. I have used it a lot this summer.

I am not sure about the white mulberry tree. All of mine are the same. You might do a search on find something about them on the internet. Sorry I couldn't help.
I have a HUGE old tree as well, its on the far side of our property - I didn't see very many berries this year - I wonder why??? could be some are being eaten by wild birds and the deer, but Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm why aren't Igetting TONS of berries?
I have 6 or more trees on our land. I had two trees that had a huge amount. Some of the others didn't have that much. I had one that just had a small amount. I guess it depends on the tree. I do know that all the animals love them, even my horses love them.
It's nice to know I'm not the only one with purple stains everywhere! Our's is parked right smack in front of our front door! Needless to say we can't use the front door!
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Funny story.....

My DH was locked out of the house for a few hours (like 4) until I got back home from town. His keys were locked in the house so he was stuck.
When I got home and let him in the house I noticed his hands were purple. I asked him what happened and he said he got hungry and had to eat the mulberries

We have goats with purple mouths often, too

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