Multi/Bilingual Language Thread

What Language(s) Do You Speak? :0

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Blue Raptor

As Astera Per Aspera
Premium Feather Member
Feb 20, 2021
Deutschland 🇩🇪
My Coop
My Coop
This year I went to an international church youth camp, and it was actually awesome! :D
It was in Germany, which is where I live because the US Army posted my family there. It was led by an American group from Oklahoma and Kansas, and there was a large French group, a large Ukrainian group, and a smaller Italian group! There were surprisingly few German speakers, but I shared a room with two of them.
Being among all of those people sparked something in me. The only reason I started learning German was because we were moving to Germany, but now I know so much more than I ever thought I would!
Einbahnstraße? Verspätung? Deutsche Bahnhof? Auf Wiedersehen?
I would’ve never had know what those words meant had we never moved to Germany!

Hopefully this thread can grow, and people can learn from each other! I’d certainly like to hear from other German-speakers! 💙

If you’re showing up early, post a ‘hello’ or introductory sentence in a language you can speak or are learning to speak!
If you’re showing up later, reply to someone’s post and chat in a different language! We can use this thread to help each other grow in out abilities! 🤗

(Achtung: There might be some Duolingo conspiracy as well for fun. 🤔)
Reason 1 why I think Duolingo is out to get me. 😳
I'm not completely fluent in French and Japanese, but I'm able to hold conversations and understand more than half of what I hear. I can say "hello" and "thank you" in at least a dozen languages.
Oh wow, cool! What's your favorite phrase in either language? :0
Hola estoy aprendiendo español, también uso Duolingo!
The only things I know in Spanish are.. um..

Huevo. Hola. Si. No. Soy yo..? Mi Ninia. Aboulito. Vamos. And rocho..? I don't even know if I spelled all of those right. 😅
I learned three of those from watching a multilingual Minecraft server, one from a song, and the rest from *cringe* Dora the Explorer.
Hi! I took Spanish in high school but I was terrible at it and don’t really remember it now. :oops: 🤣 I might try again. I did try German briefly but I didn’t get very far. I can say bread and water basically 🤣 it was on DuoLingo but I had to cancel my subscription. I’d like to start learning another language again but idk which one. Maybe Spanish or Portuguese since those are really popular/common here now. Plus I’m an 1/8th Portuguese.
The only things I know in Spanish are.. um..

Huevo. Hola. Si. No. Soy yo..? Mi Ninia. Aboulito. Vamos. And rocho..? I don't even know if I spelled all of those right. 😅
I learned three of those from watching a multilingual Minecraft server, one from a song, and the rest from *cringe* Dora the Explorer.
Oh and Jorge curioso. I know how to pronounce it correctly too. :lau
Hi! I took Spanish in high school but I was terrible at it and don’t really remember it now. :oops: 🤣 I might try again. I did try German briefly but I didn’t get very far. I can say bread and water basically 🤣
Brot und wasser? Yeah, those are like the first things I learned on Duo. 🤣
it was on DuoLingo but I had to cancel my subscription. I’d like to start learning another language again but idk which one. Maybe Spanish or Portuguese since those are really popular/common here now. Plus I’m an 1/8th Portuguese.
Oh that's cool!
Duolingo is free unless you're paying for the upgraded version, yeah?

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