Multi/Bilingual Language Thread

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Duolingo 😭🤣 they also taught me needles😭
I've yet to come across it on duo then lol

Random words I know in russian
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Это лошаь ест хлеь that's something I think duo has taught me, horses from what I've ever heard shouldn't really eat bread not that they can't just it's better it's not fed as more than a rare treat.

Results from a quick Google search...

What happens if a horse eats bread?

Bread. Bread might appear to be harmless, but all baked goods can become a nasty doughy mess and then cause a blockage which leads to colic. As bread is of little nutritional value and isn't even that tasty it is best to keep it away from your horse.Apr 3, 2021
Here are two I got today.

Excusez-moi? Je ne habite pas Paris!

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