multi - purpose netting

That is plastic (I had to look it up as I wasn't familiar with the term multi purpose netting). It will keep your chickens in unless they fly over it, but dogs, raccoons, and other predators can chew through it as if it isn't there. The same goes for chicken wire. The only predator proof fencing there is, is 1/2 inch hardware cloth, aproned out at the bottom or buried. Also a top to the run with the same stuff. This is because rats and weasels can get through anything smaller than 1/2 inch.

Welded wire is much stronger, too- I use welded wire fencing and lock them in the coop at night. I get a 100 foot roll for about $100 at Home Depot. Hardware cloth is too expensive for me to mess with.

The plastic fencing will work great when you make little mini-sectioned off areas around your blueberry bushes or other shrubs you don't want the chickens eating, unless they fly over it.

If you want to do the Fort Knox chicken run though, where nothing can get in or out, hardware cloth is the only way to go:
these folks did a little welded wire and a little hardware cloth
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That looks just like the stuff we bought for our coop, near as I can tell.

I like it alot. It's way cheaper than wire poultry netting, It's easy to work with (no bleeding hands and missing eyes), and it doesn't rust out like galvanized poultry netting eventually does.

However, I don't have much in the way of four-legged predators around here to contend with either.

I would still recommend it for day runs and garden barriers and stuff, even if there were predators, just because it's so handy and economical, but I would make sure they had a more secure night pen or house to roost in that WAS predator proof if so.
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