Multiple Broody


Feb 11, 2020
My hen is now going into her 4th Broody in a matter of 3-4 months. Anything I can do? It’s brutal. I finally had to start separating her in a cage and I feel bad but with the heat, she gets so hot and won’t eat or drink if I don’t break her of it sooner then later.
Do you have any fertile eggs or can you get some baby chicks to slip under her at night? You could probably put fertile eggs under her at night, pretty soon.

She will need to be broody for a couple of weeks to accept baby chicks. (I am aware that all the hatcheries are mostly sold out or not shipping until September, but maybe a neighbor might have some fertile eggs or baby chicks).

What breed is she? Some breeds are very persistent about being broody.
@Eggstress should I assume you do not want her to hatch?
Did you try to break her before, if so how?
Is the cage raised up off the ground?
Might have to put it out in the shade where she can catch a breeze.

Just how hot is it?
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
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It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
Do you have any fertile eggs or can you get some baby chicks to slip under her at night? You could probably put fertile eggs under her at night, pretty soon.

She will need to be broody for a couple of weeks to accept baby chicks. (I am aware that all the hatcheries are mostly sold out or not shipping until September, but maybe a neighbor might have some fertile eggs or baby chicks).

What breed is she? Some breeds are very persistent about being broody.
I am not set up for this
@Eggstress should I assume you do not want her to hatch?
Did you try to break her before, if so how?
Is the cage raised up off the ground?
Might have to put it out in the shade where she can catch a breeze.

Just how hot is it?
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
View attachment 2187202
@Eggstress should I assume you do not want her to hatch?
Did you try to break her before, if so how?
Is the cage raised up off the ground?
Might have to put it out in the shade where she can catch a breeze.

Just how hot is it?
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
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I am in CA so we are not bad but at over 100 right now. I’m just concerned that she keeps going broody. Maybe some do this that often? I feel bad for her. She runs from me because she knows I’m going to put her in a crate but if I don’t, she will go at this for over a month. Yes, it’s raised and I’m about 2 days she is good, she just goes broody again within about 3 weeks. Am I not keeping her in the crate long enough? She stops yelling at me and stays out of the coop for weeks so, I figure she is good. But then she is back at it.
Am I not keeping her in the crate long enough? She stops yelling at me and stays out of the coop for weeks so, I figure she is good. But then she is back at it.
When they stop going to the nest they're broke.
Doesn't mean they won't go broody again.

Had a broody one summer that I broke seven times, after she hatched in March and weaned at 4 weeks. I finally gave her away to someone who wanted a broody, she never went broody again but settled into their flock nicely....
.....and laid her gorgeous dark brown eggs for them! :barnie
@Eggstress should I assume you do not want her to hatch?
Did you try to break her before, if so how?
Is the cage raised up off the ground?
Might have to put it out in the shade where she can catch a breeze.

Just how hot is it?
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
View attachment 2187202
@Eggstress should I assume you do not want her to hatch?
Did you try to break her before, if so how?
Is the cage raised up off the ground?
Might have to put it out in the shade where she can catch a breeze.

Just how hot is it?
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
View attachment 2187202

I am in CA so we are not bad but at over 100 right now. I’m just concerned that she keeps going broody. Maybe some do this that often
When they stop going to the nest they're broke.
Doesn't mean they won't go broody again.

Had a broody one summer that I broke seven times, after she hatched in March and weaned at 4 weeks. I finally gave her away to someone who wanted a broody, she never went broody again but settled into their flock nicely....
.....and laid her gorgeous dark brown eggs for them! :barnie

Of course! Haha Glad to hear that some can be more persistent though, I just wanted to be sure
After reading some on this I thought I will just let her be broody and pull her out two times a day for food and water. I have even left an egg for her. Thinking this may help her feel better 🤷🏻‍♀️ The other hens are being really mean to her. Pecking at her. She has always been low on the chain. The other 3 are reds and she is a black one (Plymouth?). Either way, I am worried now and feel like I should separate her. Do I just put her in a broody crate to break her or let her broody in a pen away from the reds? I feel concerned because if she is alone, it attracts predators and she may not be safe. I have no eggs for her to hatch and don’t want to at this point. Appreciate any help

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